Rad HAZU - Number Theory papers
Number theory papers published in recent volumes of the journal
Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti
(Rad Hrvat. Akad. Znan. Umjet. Mat. Znan.)
Volume 18 (2014)
- Lj. Baćić and A. Filipin,
A note on the number of D(4)-quintuples, (7-13)
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- Z. Franušić and I. Soldo,
The problem of Diophantus for integers of Q(√-3), (15-25)
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- A. Dujella, I. Gusić and L. Lasić,
On quadratic twists of elliptic curves
y2 = x(x - 1)(x - λ), (27-34)
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- M. Ninčević and S. Slijepčević,
Positive exponential sums and odd polynomials, (35-53)
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Volume 19 (2015)
- Z. Čerin,
Formulas for quadratic sums that involve generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, (1-12)
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- M. Hanzer,
Generalized Shalika model on SO4n(F), symplectic linear
model on Sp4n(F) and theta correspondence, (55-68)
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Volume 20 (2016)
- A. J. MacLeod,
Square Eulerian quadruples, (1-7)
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- T. Pejković,
P-adic root separation for quadratic and cubic polynomials, (9-18)
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- A. J. MacLeod,
On Crussol's method for Σi=14 Xin
= Σi=14 Yin, n=2,4,6, (19-26)
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- Lj. Baćić Đuračković and A. Filipin,
The extendibility of D(4)-pairs {F2k, F2k+6}
and {P2k, P2k+4}, (27-35)
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Volume 21 (2017)
- A. Dujella and T. Pejković,
Root separation for reducible monic polynomials of odd degree, (21-27)
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- G. Muić,
Some results on the Schwartz space of Γ \ G, (29-52)
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- I. Mirković,
Some extensions of the notion of loop Grassmannians, (53-74)
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- M. Tadić,
Two simple observations on representations of metaplectic groups, (89-98)
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Volume 22 (2018)
- S. Bujačić Babić,
Two divisors of (n2+1)/2 summing up to δn + δ ± 2, δ even, (39-61)
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Volume 24 (2020)
- N. Ömür, G. Soydan, Y. T. Ulutaş and Y. Doğru,
On triangles with coordinates of vertices from the terms of the sequences
{Ukn} and {Vkn}, (15-27)
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- A. Dujella and M. Mikić,
Rank zero elliptic curves induced by rational Diophantine triples, (29-37)
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- P. Tangsupphathawat, T. Srichan and V. Laohakosol,
Square-full primitive roots in short intervals, (39-48)
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Volume 26 (2022)
- K. N. Adédji, A. Filipin and A. Togbé,
The problem of the extension of D(4)-triple {1, b, c}, (21-43)
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- Z. Franušić,
Diophantine quintuples containing two pairs of conjugates in some quadratic fields, (45-53)
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- A. J. Macleod,
Small-degree parametric solutions for degree 6 and 7 ideal multigrades, (55-64)
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- A. Choudhry,
Matrix morphology and composition of higher degree forms with applications to diophantine equations, (65-89)
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Volume 27 (2023)
- A. Al-Kateeb and A. Dagher,
On the number of terms of some families of the ternary cyclotomic polynomials
Φ3p2p3, (31-53)
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- A. Filipin and L. Szalay,
Triangular Diophantine tuples from {1, 2}, (55-70)
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- H. R. Hashim,
Solutions of the Markoff equation in Tribonacci numbers, (71-79)
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- P. G. Walsh,
A note on lower bounds for ranks using Pell equations, (81-85)
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- L. Halbeisen, N. Hungerbühler, A. Shamsi Zargar and M. Voznyy,
A geometric approach to elliptic curves with torsion groups Z/10Z, Z/12Z,
Z/14Z, and Z/16Z, (87-109)
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- L. H. Gallardo,
Artin-Schreier, Erdős, and Kurepa's conjecture, (111-121)
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Volume 28 (2024)
- N. Grbac and M. Hanzer,
The Tadić philosophy: An overview of the guiding principles and underlying ideas in the work of Marko Tadić
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- D. Mikoč and G. Muić,
On higher order Weierstrass points on X0(N)
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- N. Grbac,
Endoscopic transfer and automorphic L-functions: the case of the general spin group
and the twisted symmetric and exterior square L-functions
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- H. Grobner and N. Matringe,
On the non-vanishing of Shalika newvectors at the identity
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- B. Liu, C.-H. Lo and F. Shahidi,
Jiang's conjecture and fibers of the Barbasch-Vogan duality
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- J. Schwermer,
A note on boundary components of arithmetic quotients of the group SL2 over an algebraic number field
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- G. Henniart and M. Oi,
On Swan exponents of symmetric and exterior square Galois representations
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- A. Dujella and J. C. Peral,
An elliptic curve over Q(u) with torsion Z/4Z and rank 6
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- P. Bakić, W. T. Gan and G. Savin,
Similitude exceptional theta correspondences
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- B. Širola,
On prime elements in commutative domains
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- I. Matić,
On reducibility of representations induced from the essentially Speh
representations and discrete series
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- C. Moeglin and D. Renard,
Séries discrétes des espaces symétriques et paquets d'Arthur
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- D. Ban,
Jacquet tensors
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Volume 29 (2025)
- M. N. Faye, K. N. Adédji and A. Togbé,
A generalization of a theorem of Murat Alan
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- P. G. Walsh,
A question of Erdös on 3-powerful numbers and an elliptic curve analogue of the Ankeny-Arkin-Chowla conjecture
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- G. Muić,
On degrees in family of maps constructed via modular forms
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- H. Nath,
The pod function and its connection with other partition function
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- M. Ghorbel, R. Ghorbel and M. Hbaib,
β-expansion of p-adic numbers with Pisot-Chabauty bases
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Forthcoming papers
- C. A. Adégbindin, K. N. Adédji and A. Togbé,
On b-repdigits as products or sums of Fibonacci, Pell, balancing and Jacobsthal numbers
- A. Choudhry,
Expressing three consecutive integers as sums of three cubes
Papers with the AMS MSC classification 11 in zbMATH
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