Papers in scientific journals

  1. Vjeran Hari and Erna Begović Kovač, On the gobal convergence of the Jacobi method, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16 (2016), pp. 725-726. (doi:10.1002/pamm.201610351) [preprint]
  2. Erna Begović Kovač and Vjeran Hari, On the global convergence of the Jacobi method for symmetric matrices of order 4 under parallel strategies, Linear Algebra Appl., 524 (2017), pp. 199-234. (doi:10.1016/j.laa.2017.03.003) [preprint]
  3. Vjeran Hari and Erna Begović Kovač, Convergence of the cyclic and quasi-cyclic block Jacobi methods, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., 46 (2017), pp. 107-147. (open access)
  4. Erna Begović Kovač and Daniel Kressner, Structure-preserving low multilinear rank approximation of antisymmetric tensors, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 38 (2017), no. 3, pp. 967-983. (doi:10.1137/16M106618X) [preprint]
  5. Erna Begović Kovač and Vjeran Hari, Jacobi method for symmetric 4 × 4 matrices converges for every cyclic pivot strategy, Numer. Algorithms, 78 (2018), pp. 701-720. (doi:10.1007/s11075-017-0396-8) [preprint]
  6. Vjeran Hari, Globally convergent Jacobi methods for positive definite matrix pairs, Numer. Algorithms, 79 (2018), no. 1, pp. 221-249. (doi:10.1007/s11075-017-0435-5) [preprint]
  7. Hinko Wolf, Sanja Singer, Dragan Pustaić and Neven Alujević, Numerical aspects of determination of natural frequencies of a power transmission line cable equipped with in-line fittings, Eng. Struct., 160 (2018), pp. 510-518. (doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.01.043) [preprint]
  8. Vjeran Hari, Complex Falk-Langemeyer method, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18: e201800020. (doi:10.1002/pamm.201800020) [preprint]
  9. Josip Matejaš and Vjeran Hari, On the Accuracy of the Element-wise Jacobi Methods for PGEP, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18: e201800023. (doi:10.1002/pamm.201800023) [preprint]
  10. Vjeran Hari, On the global convergence of the complex HZ method, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 40 (2019), pp. 1291-1310. (doi:10.1137/19M1265594) [preprint]
  11. Vjeran Hari, On the complex Falk-Langemeyer method, Numer. Algorithms, 83 (2020), pp. 451-483. (doi:10.1007/s11075-019-00689-8) [preprint]
  12. Sanja Singer, The antitriangular factorization of skew-symmetric matrices, Appl. Math. Comput., 381 (2020), article no. 125263. (doi:10.1016/j.amc.2020.125263) [preprint]
  13. Sanja Singer, Edoardo Di Napoli, Vedran Novaković, Gayatri Čaklović, The LAPW Method with Eigendecomposition Based on the Hari–Zimmermann Generalized Hyperbolic SVD, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 42 (2020), pp. C265-C293. (doi:10.1137/19M1277813) [preprint] [supplementary material]
  14. Vedran Novaković, Batched Computation of the Singular Value Decompositions of Order Two by the AVX-512 Vectorization, Parallel Process. Lett., 30 (2020), no. 4, art. 2050015. (doi:10.1142/S0129626420500152) [preprint]
  15. Vjeran Hari, Erna Begović Kovač, On the convergence of complex Jacobi methods, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 69 (2021), no. 3, pp. 489-514. (doi:10.1080/03081087.2019.1604622) [preprint]
  16. Erna Begović Kovač, Heike Faßbender, Philip Saltenberger, On normal and structured matrices under unitary structure-preserving transformations, Linear Algebra Appl., 608 (2021), pp. 322-342. (doi:10.1016/j.laa.2020.09.019) [preprint]
  17. Vedran Novaković, Sanja Singer, Implicit Hari–Zimmermann algorithm for the generalized SVD on the GPUs, Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl., 35 (2021), no. 2, pp. 170-205. (doi:10.1177/1094342020972772) [preprint]
  18. Heike Faßbender, Miroslav Razložník, Sanja Singer, Nearly optimal scaling in the SR decomposition, Linear Algebra Appl., 613 (2021), pp. 295-319. (doi:10.1016/j.laa.2020.11.011) [preprint]
  19. Vjeran Hari, On the global convergence of the block Jacobi method for the positive definite generalized eigenvalue problem, Calcolo, 58 (2021), article no. 24. (doi:10.1007/s10092-021-00415-8) [preprint]
  20. Vjeran Hari, On the quadratic convergence of the complex HZ method for the positive definite generalized eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra Appl., 632 (2022), pp. 153-192. (doi:10.1016/j.laa.2021.08.022) [preprint]
  21. Vedran Novaković, Sanja Singer, A Kogbetliantz-type algorithm for the hyperbolic SVD, Numer. Algorithms, 90 (2022), no. 2, pp. 523-561. (doi:10.1007/s11075-021-01197-4) [preprint]
  22. Josip Matejaš, Vjeran Hari, The high relative accuracy of the HZ method, Appl. Math. Comput., 433 (2022), article no. 127358. (doi:10.1016/j.amc.2022.127358)
  23. Vedran Novaković, Vectorization of a thread-parallel Jacobi singular value decomposition method, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 45 (2023), no. 3, pp. C73-C100. (doi:10.1137/22M1478847) [preprint]
  24. Vedran Novaković, Accurate complex Jacobi rotations, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 450 (2024), article no. 116003. (doi:10.1016/ [preprint]
  25. Vedran Novaković, Arithmetical enhancements of the Kogbetliantz method for the SVD of order two, Numer. Algorithms, (2025), accepted for publication. (doi:10.1007/s11075-025-02035-7) [preprint]

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. Vjeran Hari, On the complex HZ method for PGEP, in Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms (NUMTA-2016) Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Numerical Computations - Theory and Algorithms (NUMTA), Pizzo Calabro, Italy, 19-25 June 2016, Y. D. Sergeyev, D. E. Kvasov, F. DellAccio, M. S. Mukhametzhanov (eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1776, article number: 090011, 2016. (doi:10.1063/1.4965375) [preprint]
  2. Vjeran Hari, Complex Cholesky-Jacobi Algorithm for PGEP, AIP Conference Proceedings 2116, 450011 (2019) (doi:10.1063/1.5114478) [preprint]


  1. Sanja Singer and Saša Singer, Accuracy of the Hari–Zimmermann method for the generalized singular value decomposition, submitted for publication. [preprint]

Professional papers

  1. Vjeran Hari and Vida Zadelj-Martić, CS-dekompozicija J-ortogonalnih matrica malog reda, e.math, vol. 30. [paper]