Dubrovnik VI – Geometric TopologyRegistered Participants |
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Participant | Title of the talk (Abstract) | |
• | Sergey Antonyan, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Characterizing G-ANR's for proper group actions |
• | Taras Banakh, Akademia Swietokrzyska w Kielcach, Poland and Lviv National University, Ukraine |
Homeomorphism groups of non-compact surfaces and graphs |
• | Iztok Banič, University of Maribor, Slovenia |
Inverse limits as limits with respect to the Hausdorff metric |
• | Alexander Bykov, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico |
On equivariant fibrant spaces |
• | Robert Cauty, Université Paris 6, Paris, France |
Approximations of dendroids by trees |
• | Matija Cencelj, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Quasi-finite complexes |
• | Vitalij A. Chatyrko, Linköping University, Sweden |
Counterparts of Smirnov's compacta for inductive functions PtrInd |
• | Greg Conner, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA |
Some remarks on infinite braid groups |
• | Branko Červar, University of Split, Croatia |
• | Robert J. Daverman, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA |
Sewings of crumpled cubes, revisited |
• | Dončo Dimovski, University of Skopje, Macedonia |
(3,1,ρ)-metrizable topological spaces |
• | Alexander N. Dranishnikov, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA |
On manifolds with low Lusternik-Schnirelmann category |
• | Jerzy Dydak, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA |
Rips complexes and covers in the uniform category |
• | Katsuya Eda, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan |
Basic results and applications of infinitary words |
• | Erik Elfving, University of Helsinki, Finland |
The equivariant homotopy type of G-ANR's for compact group actions |
• | Vitaly V. Fedorchuk, Moscow State University, Russia |
Weakly infinite-dimensional compacta and C-compacta via polyhedra and simplicial complexes |
• | Steven Ferry, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA |
Volume growth, de Rham cohomology, and the Higson compactification |
• | Dennis Garity, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA |
Techniques for determining rigidity of embeddings of Cantor sets |
• | Antonio Giraldo Carbajo, Universidad Politécnica, Madrid, Spain |
• | Qamil Haxhibeqiri, University of Prishtina, Kosovo |
The product of shape fibrations |
• | Jose Higes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
Asymptotic cones and Assouad-Nagata dimension |
• | Stavros D. Iliadis, University of Patras, Greece |
Factorizing τ-spectra of mappings |
• | Zvonko Iljazović, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Weakly computable arcs |
• | Sören Illman, University of Helsinki, Finland |
Actions of profinite groups and equivariant singular homology |
• | Ivan Ivanšić, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Limit Theorems |
• | Slagjana Jaќimoviќ, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA |
• | Jan Jaworowski, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA |
Degrees of maps of free G-manifolds |
• | Kazuhiro Kawamura, University of Tsukuba, Japan |
Compacta with algebraically closed function algebras |
• | James E. Keesling, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA |
Inverse limits of tent maps |
• | Judy Kennedy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, and Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, USA |
The problem of backward dynamics in economics and inverse limits |
• | Nikola Koceić Bilan, University of Split, Croatia |
Borsuk's quasi-equivalence is not transitive |
• | Danuta Kołodziejczyk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland |
On some questions concerning decompositions of shapes into Cartesian factors |
• | Tuomas Korppi, University of Helsinki, Finland |
A non-standard homology theory with some nice properties |
• | Akira Koyama, Shizuoka University, Suruga, Shizuoka, Japan |
The symmetric products of the circle |
• | Jury T. Lisica, Russian University of Peoples Friendship, Moscow, Russia |
Topological vector spaces problems in homology and homotopy theories |
• | Vladimir Marchenko, Moscow, Russia |
Topological vector spaces of cochains and chains for Eucledian compacts |
• | Sibe Mardešić, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Functoriality of the standard resolution of the Cartesian product of a compactum and a polyhedron |
• | Álvaro Martínez Pérez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
A semiflow induced by a length metric |
• | Vlasta Matijević, University of Split, Croatia |
On covering maps from groups |
• | Dmitry Matsnev, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal |
Étale groupoids as germ groupoids and their extensions |
• | Uroš Milutinović, University of Maribor, Slovenia |
Closed embeddings into Lipscomb's universal space |
• | Manuel Alonso Morón, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
Uniformly continuous maps between ends of R-trees |
• | Neža Mramor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Maps betwee G-manifolds, equivariant up to a homomorphism |
• | Piotr Nowak, Vanderbilt University and Insitute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Isoperimetry and dimension on groups with Property A |
• | Sławomir Nowak, University of Warsaw, Poland |
Stable shape theories: applications and open problems |
• | Petar Pavešić, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
The group of stable self-homotopy equivalences |
• | Andrei V. Prasolov, University of Tromsø, Norway |
On quasishape and quasihomology |
• | Brian Raines, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA |
Ingram's Conjecture for unimodal maps with a non-recurrent critical point |
• | Dušan Repovš, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
On Bing-Whitehead Cantor sets |
• | Helen Robinson, Coventry University, England |
• | Francisco Romero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
• | Witold Rosicki, Gdansk University, Poland |
On the uniqueness of the decomposition of manifolds, polyhedra and continua into Cartesian products |
• | Leonard R. Rubin, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA |
Do universal compacta exist in the theory of cohomological dimension? |
• | Francisco R. Ruiz del Portal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
On the growth of the sequence of indices of the iterates of $\R^3$-homeomorphisms |
• | Jaime Jorge Sánchez Gabites, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
• | José M. R. Sanjurjo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain |
Shape theory of continuations of attractors and bifurcations |
• | Evgeny Shchepin, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia |
On fibrations with low-dimensional manifold fibers |
• | Jaka Smrekar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Coherence of periodic homotopy idempotents and applications |
• | Yasar Sözen, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey |
On Reidemeister torsion of a symplectic complex |
• | Stanisław Spież, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland |
Embedding of compacta into product of curves |
• | Luciano Stramaccia, Università di Perugia, Italia |
Enriched orthogonality |
• | Sašo Strle, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Knot concordance and Heegaard Floer homology |
• | Sonja Štimac, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
On Ingram's conjecture |
• | Eva Trenklerová, P. J. Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia |
Basic embeddings in the plane |
• | Giulio Trombetta, University of Calabria, Italy |
Hausdorff norms of retractions in Banach function spaces |
• | Nikica Uglešić, University of Zadar, Croatia |
The weak shape |
• | Šime Ungar, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
• | Violeta Vasilevska, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, USA |
Shape fibrator properties of PL manifolds |
• | Aleš Vavpetič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
On grope groups |
• | Darko Veljan, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Non-Euclidean versions of some classical triangle inequalities |
• | Gerard Venema, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA |
Embeddings of 2-spheres in 4-manifolds |
• | Tatsuhiko Yagasaki, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki, Sakyoku, Kyoto, Japan |
Measure-preserving homeomorphisms of noncompact manifolds and mass flow toward ends |
• | Atsushi Yamashita, University of Tokyo, Japan |
Function spaces that are Hilbert manifolds |
• | Andreas Zastrow, University of Gdansk, Poland |
Fundamental groups of spaces that are not homotopically Hausdorff |
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