Dubrovnik VI – Geometric Topology

September 30 – October 7, 2007



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Uro¹ Milutinoviæ*
University of Maribor, Slovenia

Closed embeddings into Lipscomb's universal space

$\mathcal J(\tau)$ be Lipscomb's one-dimensional space and $L_n(\tau)$ $=\{x\in\mathcal J(\tau)^{n+1}\, |$ {at least one coordinate of $x$ is irrational}$\}\subseteq{\mathcal J(\tau)}^{n+1}$ Lipscomb's $n$-dimensional universal space of weight $\tau\geq\aleph_0$. We prove that if $X$ is a complete metrizable space and $\dim X\leq n$, $w X\leq\tau$, then there is a closed embedding of $X$ into $L_n(\tau)$. Furthermore, any map $f\colon X\to\mathcal J(\tau)^{n+1}$ can be approximated arbitrarily close by a closed embedding $\psi\colon X\to L_n(\tau)$. Also, relative and pointed versions are obtained. In the separable case an analogous result is obtained, in which the classic triangular Sierpi\'nski curve (homeomorphic to $\mathcal J(3)$) is used instead of $\mathcal J(\aleph_0)$.

* This is a joint work with Ivan Ivan¹iæ.

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