Dubrovnik VI – Geometric TopologyInvited Speakers |
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Characterizing G-ANR's for proper group actions |
Counterparts of Smirnov's compacta for inductive functions PtrInd |
Sewings of crumpled cubes, revisited |
On manifolds with low Lusternik-Schnirelmann category9 |
Rips complexes and covers in the uniform category |
Basic results and applications of infinitary words |
Volume growth, de Rham cohomology, and the Higson compactification |
Factorizing τ-spectra of mappings |
Actions of profinite groups and equivariant singular homology |
Inverse limits of tent maps |
The symmetric products of the circle |
Topological vector spaces problems in homology and homotopy theories |
Functoriality of the standard resolution of the Cartesian product of a compactum and a polyhedron |
On covering maps from groups |
Étale groupoids as germ groupoids and their extensions |
Uniformly continuous maps between ends of R-trees |
Isoperimetry and dimension on groups with Property A |
Stable shape theories: applications and open problems |
The group of stable self-homotopy equivalences |
On quasishape and quasihomology |
On Bing-Whitehead Cantor sets |
Do universal compacta exist in the theory of cohomological dimension? |
On the growth of the sequence of indices of the iterates of $\R^3$-homeomorphisms |
Shape theory of continuations of attractors and bifurcations |
On fibrations with low-dimensional manifold fibers |
Coherence of periodic homotopy idempotents and applications |
Embedding of compacta into product of curves |
On Ingram's conjecture |
Embeddings of 2-spheres in 4-manifolds |
Measure-preserving homeomorphisms of noncompact manifolds and mass flow toward ends |
Fundamental groups of spaces that are not homotopically Hausdorff |
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