Francisco R. Ruiz del Portal*
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
On the growth of the sequence of indices of the iterates of $\R^3$-homeomorphisms
Given a homeomorphism $f:\R^3\to\R^3$ such
that $Fix(f)=Per(f)=\{ 0\}$, we will discuss in geometric
dynamical terms the behavior of the sequence $\{i(f^m,0)\}_{m \in
\N}$ of the fixed point indices of its iterates at 0.
We shall comment, from this point of view, some of the most
important known results in this topic.
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F. R. Ruiz del Portal. Planar isolated and stable fixed points have
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F. R. Ruiz del Portal, J. M. Salazar. Fixed point index of
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F. R. Ruiz del Portal, J. M. Salazar. Fixed point indices of
the iterates of $\R^3$-homeomorphisms at Lyapunov stable
fixed points, Journal of Diff. Equations (to appear).
F. R. Ruiz del Portal, J. M. Salazar. Fixed point indices of
the iterations of $\R^3$-homeomorphisms, preprint.
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F. W. Wilson. On the minimal sets of non-singular vector
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* This is a joint work with José Manuel Salazar.