Dubrovnik VI – Geometric Topology

September 30 – October 7, 2007



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Violeta Vasilevska
University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, USA

Shape fibrator properties of PL manifolds

Following the concept of the PL fibrator (introduced by Daverman), we introduce a new concept of a fibrator (by slightly changing the PL setting). We call a closed, orientable PL $n$-manifold N a codimension-$k$ shape m$_{\rm simpl}$(o)- fibrator if all proper, surjective PL maps $p:M \to B$, from any closed, (orientable) PL $(n+k)$-manifold $M$ to a simplicial triangulated manifold $B$, such that each point inverse has the same homotopy type as $N$, are approximate fibrations. Also we introduce a particular type of manifold called special manifold—closed manifold with a non-trivial fundamental group for which all self maps with non-trivial normal images on $\pi_1$-level are homotopy equivalences. First we shall address the following question: which special manifolds are shape m$_{\rm simpl}$o-fibrators (a codimension-$k$ shape m$_{\rm simpl}$o-fibrator for all $k$)? The main result states that every orientable, special PL $n$-manifold with non-trivial first homology group is a shape m$_{\rm simpl}$o-fibrator, if it is a codimension-2 shape m$_{\rm simpl}$o-fibrator. Next we shall discuss new result about homology $n$-spheres that are codimension-$(n+1)$ m$_{\rm simpl}$ fibrators.
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