Ivan Ivan¹iæ*
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Limit Theorems
The title refers to the following situation: Let
$X = \lim\limits_{\leftarrow} \{X_i, p_{i,i+1}\}$ be the inverse limit of
an inverse sequence $\{X_i, p_{i,i+1}\}$ and $K$ a CW complex. Under
what conditions is $X$ an absolute co-extensor for $K$?
In extension theory we use the following terminology and notation.
One says that $X$ is an absolute co-extensor for $K$,
$X\tau K$, or that $K$ is an absolute extensor for $X$,
$K \in AE(X)$, if for each closed subset $A$ of $X$ and map $f\colon A\to K$,
there exists a map $F\colon X\to K$ such that $F$ is an extension of $f$.
The talk will present results that we have obtained on this subject.
* This is a joint work with Leonard R. Rubin.