Álvaro Martínez Pérez*
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
A semiflow induced by a length metric
For any compact length space $(X,d)$
(Bing and Moise proved independently that any Peano continuum
admits such a metric) we consider the semiflow in the
hyperspace $2^X$ given by the map
F: 2^X \times R^+ \to 2^X
with $F(A,t)=C(A,t)$ the generalized closed ball in $X$ about $A$
of radius $t$.
Then we study some properties of this semiflow
(and in particular its restriction to the subset of the
hyperspace formed by all the closed balls centered at
single points) for several classes of spaces: manifolds,
graphs and finite polyhedra among them.
* This is a joint work with Manuel Alonso Morón.