
  1. Z. Franušić,Diophantine quadruples in the ring Z[√2], Math. Commun. 9(2004), 141-148.
  2. A. Dujella and Z. Franušić, On differences of two squares in some quadratic fields, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 37 (2007), 429-453.
  3. Z. Franušić,A Diophantine problem in Z [(1+ √d)/2], Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 46 (2009) , 1; 103-112.
  4. Z. Franušić, Diophantine quadruples in Z [4k+3], Ramanujan Journal. 17 (2008) , 1; 77-88.
  5. Z. Franušić, On the extensibility of Diophantine triples { k-1, k+1, 4k} for Gaussian integers, Glasnik matematički 43 (2008) , 2; 265-291.
  6. Z. Franušić,On the extension of the Diophantine pair {1,3} in Z[√d], Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 13 (2010), Article 10.9.6
  7. Z. Franušić and D. Kreso, Nonextensibility of the pair {1, 3} to a Diophantine quintuple in Z [ -2  ], J. Comb. Number Theory, 3 (2011) , No. 3; 1-15.
  8. Z. Franušić, Diophantine quadruples in the ring of integers of the pure qubic field Q(∛2) , Miskolc Math. Notes 14 (2013), 893-903.
  9. Z. Franušić and I. Soldo, The problem of Diophantus for integers of Q( √(-3)) , Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti. 18 (2014), 15-25
  10. Z. Franušić and B. Jadrijević, Computing relative power integral bases in a family of quartic extensions of imaginary quadratic fields , Publ. Math. Debrecen, (0033-3883) 92 (2018), 3-4; 293-315.
  11. N. Adžaga, A. Filipin and Z. Franušić, On the extensions of the Diophantine triples in Gaussian integers, Monatsh. Math., 197 (2022), 535–563, arXiv:1905.09332
  12. Z. Franušić and B. Jadrijević, D(n)-quadruples in the ring of integers of Q(√2,√3) , Mathematica Slovaca, Math. Slovaca 69 (2019), 1263-1278.
  13. A. Dujella, Z. Franušić and V. Petričević, Formulas for Diophantine quintuples containing two pairs of conjugates in some quadratic fields, Period. Math. Hungar., 85 (2022), 303-311.
  14. Z. Franušić, Diophantine quintuples containing two pairs of conjugates in some quadratic fields, Rad Hrvat. Akad. Znan. Umjet. Mat. Znan., 26 (2022), 45-53.
  15. Z. Franušić, A. Jurasić, On nonexistence of D(n)-quadruples , Math. Slovaca, to appear.

  1. M. Barun, A. Dujella, Z. Franušić, Kriptografija u školi, Poučak 33 (2008) ; 40-52.
  2. V. Dimec, Z. Franušić, Konstrukcije zlatnog reza, Miš 74 (2014), 176-180.
  3. B. Bakula, Z. Franušić, Matrice s Fibonaccijevim brojevima, math.e 26 (2015)
  4. Z. Franušić, K. Šoltić, Zlatnim rezom do formule za sin 3, MiŠ 91 (2017/18), 26-29.
  5. Z. Franušić, N. Pavlinić, O distribuciji prostih brojeva, Acta mathematica Spalatensia. Series didactica (AMAS), 1 (2018), 41-50.
  6. Z. Franušić, N. Pavlinić, Raznovrsni prosti brojevi, Acta mathematica Spalatensia. Series didactica (AMAS), 3 (2020), 63-76.
  7. Z. Franušić, O matematici digitalnog potpisa, MiŠ 115, lipanj 2022., 195-207.