Welcome to my old home page from when I was research/teaching assistant at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.
Since fall 2009, I am a PhD student at Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. My new home page is located there.
My research interests include:
- Automated theorem proving and decision procedures
- Design and analysis of concurrent systems
- Formal methods
- Programming languages
- Software verification and testing
- Separation Logic Verification of C Programs with an SMT Solver. Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 09), 2009. With M. Parkinson and W. Schulte. [pdf]
- Verification of Causality Requirements in Java Memory Model is Undecidable. Proc. of 8th Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 09), Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming Models, 2009. With P. Glavan and D. Runje. [pdf]
- An Enhancement of Futures Runtime in Presence of Cache Memory Hierarchy. Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT, 16(4), 339--344, 2008. With D. Runje. [pdf]
- Futures and the Lazy Task Creation for .NET. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2007), 2007. With D. Runje and A. Vucinovic. [pdf]
- Distributed Algorithms: A Case Study of the Java Memory Model. Proc. of the 14th Int. ASM Workshop (ASM 2007), 2007. With P. Glavan and D. Runje. [pdf]
- Model-based Testing of the Conference Protocol with Spec Explorer. Proc. of the 9th Int. Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL 2007), 2007. With V. Novakovic. [pdf]
- Compositional model checking of monadic least fixed point logic. Proc. of the 7th School on MOdeling and VErifying parallel Processes (MOVEP'06), 2006. [pdf]
- AsmL Specification and Verification of Lamport's Bakery Algorithm. Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT, 13(4), 313--319, 2005. [pdf]