Published or accepted

  1. D. Adamović Realizations of simple affine vertex algebras and their modules: the cases $\widehat{sl(2)}$ and $\widehat{osp(1,2)}, Communications in Mathematical Physics, March 2019, Volume 366, Issue 3, pp 1025-1067; arXiv:1711.11342 [math.QA].
  2. D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, An application of collapsing levels to the representation theory of affine vertex algebras, to appear in IMRN arXiv:1801.09880 [math.RT].
  3. S. Kožić, Quantum current algebras associated with rational R-matrix, Advances in Math. 351 (2019), 1072-1104.
  4. S. Kožić, Quasi modules for the quantum affine vertex algebra in type A, Comm. Math. Phys. 365 (2019), 1049-1078, arXiv:1707.09542 [math.QA].
  5. B. Butorac, C. Sadowski, Combinatorial bases of principal subspaces of modules for twisted affine Lie algebras of type A_{2 l -1} ^(2), D_l^(2), E_6^(2) and D_4^(3) New York journal of mathematics, 25 (2019), 71-106 arXiv:1803.06733 [math.QA].
  6. D. Adamović, G. Radobolja, Self-dual and logarithmic representations of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra at level zero, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 21, No. 02, 1850008 (2019); arXiv:1703.00531 [math.QA].
  7. D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, On classification of non-equal rank affine conformal embeddings and applications, Selecta Mathematica New Series, July 2018, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp 2455-2498,
  8. N. Jing, S. Kožić, A. Molev, F. Yang, Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra in type A, Journal of Algebra 496 (2018), 138-186.
  9. S. Kožić, Principal subspaces for double Yangian DY(sl2), Journal of Lie Theory 28 (2018), No. 3, 673--694 .
  10. S. Kožić, Commutative operators for double Yangian DY(sln), to appear in Glasnik Matematički.
  11. D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras II: decompositions, Japanese Journal of Mathematics 12 (2017), 261-315.
  12. G. Trupčević, Presentations of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces of standard modules for affine Lie algebras of type Cl(1), to appear in Glasnik Matematički.
  13. G. Trupčević, Bases of standard modules for affine Lie algebra Cl(1), to appear in Communications in Algebra; arXiv:1706.10089v1 [math.QA].
  14. D. Adamović, A note on the affine vertex algebra associated to gl(1|1) at the critical level and its generalizations, Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti, Vol. 21 (2017), 75-87. (Special issue in honor of Sibe Mardešić).
  15. B. Širola, Cartan pairs and shared orbit pairs, Journal of Lie theory 28 (2018), No. 1, 001-031.
  16. S.Kožić, M. Primc, Quasi-particles in the principal picture of ŝl2 and Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities, to appear in Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.
  17. S. Kožić, Higher level vertex operators for Uq(ŝl2), Selecta Mathematica New Series 23 (2017), 2397-2436.
  18. D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras I: structural results, Journal of Algebra 500 (2018) pp. 117--152 (Special Issue dedicated to Efim Zelmanov) .
  19. M. Primc, T. Šikić, Leading terms of relations for standard modules for affine Lie algebras Cn(1), to appear in The Ramanujan Journal; arXiv:1506.05026 [math.QA].
  20. D. Adamović, N. Jing, K.C. Misra, On principal realization of modules for the affine Lie algebra A1(1) at the critical level, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (2017), 5113-5136.
  21. D. Adamović, G. Radobolja, On free field realization of W(2,2)-modules, SIGMA 12 (2016), 113, 13 pages.
  22. D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, Finite vs infinite decompositions in conformal embeddings, Communications in Mathematical Physics 348 (2016) 445-473.
  23. M. Primc, T. Šikić, Combinatorial bases of basic modules for affine Lie algebras Cn(1), Journal of Mathematical Physics 57, 091701 (2016).
  24. I. Baranović, M. Primc, G. Trupčević, Bases of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces for Cl(1), to appear in The Ramanujan Journal; arXiv:1603.04594 [math.QA].
  25. D. Adamović, A. Milas, Some applications and constructions of intertwining operators in LCFT, Contemporary Mathematics 695, 15-27; arXiv:1605.05561 [math.QA].
  26. D. Adamović, O. Perše, On extensions of affine vertex algebras at half integer levels, Perspectives in Lie Theory pp 281-298.
  27. M. Butorac, Quasi-particle bases of principal subspaces of the affine Lie algebra of type G2(1), Glasnik Matematički Vol. 52, No. 1 (2017), 79-98.
  28. S. Kožić, Vertex operators and principal subspaces of level one for Uq(ŝl2), Journal of Algebra 455 (2016), 251-290.
  29. S. Kožić, A note on the zeroth products of Frenkel-Jing operators, Journal of Algebra and its Applications Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1750053 (25 pages).
  30. D. Adamović, R. Lu, K. Zhao, Whittaker modules for the affine Lie algebra A1(1), Advances in Mathematics 289 (2016) 438-479.
  31. D. Adamović, A realization of certain modules for the N=4 superconformal algebra and the affine Lie algebra A2(1), Transformation Groups, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2016) 299-327.
  32. D. Adamović, X. Lin, A. Milas, Vertex Algebras W(p)Am and W(p)Dm and Constant Term Identities, SIGMA 11 (2015), 019, 16 pages.
  33. M. Butorac, Quasi-particle bases of principal subspaces for the affine Lie algebras of types Bl(1) and Cl(1), Glasnik Matematički Vol. 51, No. 1 (2016), 59-108.
  34. G. Trupčević, Particle basis of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces of level one ŝll+1-modules, Mathematical Communications 20 (2015), 185-192.
  35. D. Adamović, G. Radobolja, Free field realization of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra at level zero and its applications, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219 (10) 2015, pp. 4322-4342.

PhD dissertations

  1. M. Polić, Representations of certain subalgebras of the vertex algebra W1+∞, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, June 12th, 2015 (Advisors: D. Adamović, O. Perše).
  2. A. Kontrec, Representations of certain irrational W-algebras, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, February 25th, 2019 (Advisor: D. Adamović).

    Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI)

    Algebraic and combinatorial methods in vertex algebra theory - list of publications