Published or accepted
- D. Adamović Realizations of simple affine vertex algebras and their modules: the cases $\widehat{sl(2)}$ and $\widehat{osp(1,2)}, Communications in Mathematical Physics, March 2019, Volume 366, Issue 3, pp 1025-1067; arXiv:1711.11342 [math.QA].
- D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, An application of collapsing levels to the representation theory of affine vertex algebras, to appear in IMRN arXiv:1801.09880 [math.RT].
- S. Kožić, Quantum current algebras associated with rational R-matrix, Advances in Math. 351 (2019), 1072-1104.
- S. Kožić, Quasi modules for the quantum affine vertex algebra in type A, Comm. Math. Phys. 365 (2019), 1049-1078, arXiv:1707.09542 [math.QA].
- B. Butorac, C. Sadowski, Combinatorial bases of principal subspaces of modules for twisted affine Lie algebras of type A_{2 l -1} ^(2), D_l^(2), E_6^(2) and D_4^(3) New York journal of mathematics, 25 (2019), 71-106 arXiv:1803.06733 [math.QA].
- D. Adamović, G. Radobolja, Self-dual and logarithmic representations of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra at level zero, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 21, No. 02, 1850008 (2019); arXiv:1703.00531 [math.QA].
- D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, On classification of non-equal rank affine conformal embeddings and applications, Selecta Mathematica New Series, July 2018, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp 2455-2498,
- N. Jing, S. Kožić, A. Molev, F. Yang, Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra in type A, Journal of Algebra 496 (2018), 138-186.
- S. Kožić, Principal subspaces for double Yangian DY(sl2), Journal of Lie Theory 28 (2018), No. 3, 673--694 .
- S. Kožić, Commutative operators for double Yangian DY(sln), to appear in Glasnik Matematički.
- D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras II: decompositions, Japanese Journal of Mathematics 12 (2017), 261-315.
- G. Trupčević, Presentations of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces of standard modules for affine Lie algebras of type Cl(1), to appear in Glasnik Matematički.
- G. Trupčević, Bases of standard modules for affine Lie algebra Cl(1), to appear in Communications in Algebra; arXiv:1706.10089v1 [math.QA].
- D. Adamović, A note on the affine vertex algebra associated to gl(1|1) at the critical level and its generalizations, Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti, Vol. 21 (2017), 75-87. (Special issue in honor of Sibe Mardešić).
- B. Širola, Cartan pairs and shared orbit pairs, Journal of Lie theory 28 (2018), No. 1, 001-031.
- S.Kožić, M. Primc, Quasi-particles in the principal picture of ŝl2 and Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities, to appear in Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.
- S. Kožić, Higher level vertex operators for Uq(ŝl2), Selecta Mathematica New Series 23 (2017), 2397-2436.
- D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras I: structural results, Journal of Algebra 500 (2018) pp. 117--152 (Special Issue dedicated to Efim Zelmanov) .
- M. Primc, T. Šikić, Leading terms of relations for standard modules for affine Lie algebras Cn(1), to appear in The Ramanujan Journal; arXiv:1506.05026 [math.QA].
- D. Adamović, N. Jing, K.C. Misra, On principal realization of modules for the affine Lie algebra A1(1) at the critical level, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (2017), 5113-5136.
- D. Adamović, G. Radobolja, On free field realization of W(2,2)-modules, SIGMA 12 (2016), 113, 13 pages.
- D. Adamović, V. G. Kac, P. Möseneder Frajria, P. Papi, O. Perše, Finite vs infinite decompositions in conformal embeddings, Communications in Mathematical Physics 348 (2016) 445-473.
- M. Primc, T. Šikić, Combinatorial bases of basic modules for affine Lie algebras Cn(1), Journal of Mathematical Physics 57, 091701 (2016).
- I. Baranović, M. Primc, G. Trupčević, Bases of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces for Cl(1), to appear in The Ramanujan Journal; arXiv:1603.04594 [math.QA].
- D. Adamović, A. Milas, Some applications and constructions of intertwining operators in LCFT, Contemporary Mathematics 695, 15-27; arXiv:1605.05561 [math.QA].
- D. Adamović, O. Perše, On extensions of affine vertex algebras at half integer levels, Perspectives in Lie Theory pp 281-298.
- M. Butorac, Quasi-particle bases of principal subspaces of the affine Lie algebra of type G2(1), Glasnik Matematički Vol. 52, No. 1 (2017), 79-98.
- S. Kožić, Vertex operators and principal subspaces of level one for Uq(ŝl2), Journal of Algebra 455 (2016), 251-290.
- S. Kožić, A note on the zeroth products of Frenkel-Jing operators, Journal of Algebra and its Applications Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017) 1750053 (25 pages).
- D. Adamović, R. Lu, K. Zhao, Whittaker modules for the affine Lie algebra A1(1), Advances in Mathematics 289 (2016) 438-479.
- D. Adamović, A realization of certain modules for the N=4 superconformal algebra and the affine Lie algebra A2(1), Transformation Groups, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2016) 299-327.
- D. Adamović, X. Lin, A. Milas, Vertex Algebras W(p)Am and W(p)Dm and Constant Term Identities, SIGMA 11 (2015), 019, 16 pages.
- M. Butorac, Quasi-particle bases of principal subspaces for the affine Lie algebras of types Bl(1) and Cl(1), Glasnik Matematički Vol. 51, No. 1 (2016), 59-108.
- G. Trupčević, Particle basis of Feigin-Stoyanovsky's type subspaces of level one ŝll+1-modules, Mathematical Communications 20 (2015), 185-192.
- D. Adamović, G. Radobolja, Free field realization of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra at level zero and its applications, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219 (10) 2015, pp. 4322-4342.
PhD dissertations
- M. Polić, Representations of certain subalgebras of the vertex algebra W1+∞, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, June 12th, 2015 (Advisors: D. Adamović, O. Perše).
- A. Kontrec, Representations of certain irrational W-algebras, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, February 25th, 2019 (Advisor: D. Adamović).
Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI)
Algebraic and combinatorial methods in vertex algebra theory - list of publications