Participant | Title of the talk (Abstract) |
1. |
Gerardo Acosta, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,
gacosta@matem.unam.mx |
On Homogeneous Continua |
2. |
Sergey Antonyan, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
antonyan@servidor.unam.mx |
West's Problem on Equivariant Hyperspaces and the Banach-Mazur Compacta |
3. |
Iztok Banic, University of Maribor, Slovenia
iztok.banic@uni-mb.si |
4. |
Alexander Bykov, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico
abykov@fcfm.buap.mx |
Cotelescopes and Derived Limits |
5. |
Matija Cencelj, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
matija.cencelj@uni-lj.si |
Extension of Maps to Nilpotent Spaces |
6. |
Branko Cervar, University of Split, Croatia
brankoch@pmfst.hr |
7. |
Vitali A. Chatyrko, Linkoping University, Sweden
vitja@mai.liu.se |
On Addition Theorems for Inductive Dimensions |
8. |
Gülçin Çivi Yildirim, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
civi@itu.edu.tr |
Nets Formed by Ricci Curves in a 3-Dimensional Weyl Space |
9. |
Robert J. Daverman, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
daverman@math.utk.edu |
Fibrator Properties of Partially Aspherical Manifolds |
10. |
Alexander N. Dranishnikov, University of Florida, USA
dranish@math.ufl.edu |
On Coarse Approach to the Novikov Conjecture |
11. |
Jerzy Dydak, University of Tennessee, USA
dydak@math.utk.edu |
and Algebra of Dimension Theory |
12. |
Katsuya Eda, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
eda@logic.info.waseda.ac.jp |
Cut Points for Groups |
13. |
Erik Elfving, University of Helsinki, Finland
Erik.Elfving@helsinki.fi |
14. |
Hiroo Fukaishi, Kagawa University, Japan
fukaishi@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp |
15. |
Carlo Gagliardi, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italia
Gagliardi@unimo.it |
16. |
Antonio Giraldo Carbajo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
agiraldo@fi.upm.es |
17. |
Zvonko Iljazovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
zilj@math.hr |
18. |
Alejandro Illanes, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
illanes@matem.unam.mx |
Local Connectedness of Hyperspaces |
19. |
Sören Illman, University of Helsinki, Finland
soren.illman@helsinki.fi |
Three Basic Results for Real Analytic Proper G-Manifolds |
20. |
Ivan Ivansic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
ivan.ivansic@fer.hr |
Fixed Points of Homeomorphisms of Knaster Continua |
21. |
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz, University of Wroclaw, Poland
tjan@math.uni.wroc.pl |
Combinatorics of convex polytopes and L^2-cohomology |
22. |
Jan Jaworowski, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
jaworows@indiana.edu |
Mod p Chern Polynomials in Vecor Bundles with Periodic Maps |
23. |
Gordon G. Johnson, University of Houston, USA
Gordon.Johnson@mail.uh.edu |
Bounded Nonconvex Chebyshev Sets in a Real Inner Product Space |
24. |
James E. Keesling, University of Florida, USA
jek@math.ufl.edu |
Fixed Points of Homeomorphisms of Knaster Continua |
25. |
Nikola Koceic Bilan, University of Split, Croatia
koceic@pmfst.hr |
26. |
Danuta Kolodziejczyk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
dkolodz@mimuw.edu.pl |
Homotopy Dominations Within Polyhedra |
27. |
Akira Koyama, Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan
koyama@cc.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp |
On Embedding of the 2-Sphere into the 2nd Symmetric Space of Curves |
28. |
Francisco F. Lasheras, University of Seville, Spain
lasheras@us.es |
On Properly 3-Realizable Groups |
29. |
Lidija Laus, University of Zagreb, Croatia
lentulis@post.hinet.hr |
30. |
Michael Levin, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
mlevine@math.bgu.ac.il |
Some Resolution Theorems for Cohomological Dimension |
31. |
Jury Lisica, Russian University of Peoples Friendship, Moscow, Russia
lisica@online.ru |
The Slant Product for Strong (Co)Homology,
Homology with Compact Supports and Cech Cohomology
Strong Border Homology and Cohomology |
32. |
Sergio Macias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,
macias@servidor.unam.mx |
Fans whose Hyperspaces are Cones |
33. |
Joze Malesič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
joze.malesic@uni-lj.si |
Embeddings into Euclidean Spaces and the Deleted Product Obstruction |
34. |
Sibe Mardesic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
smardes@math.hr |
The Product of a Compactum with a Polyhedron in the Shape Categories |
35. |
Vlasta Matijevic, University of Split, Croatia
vlasta@pmfst.hr |
Classifying Finite-Sheeted Covering Mappings of Paracompact Spaces |
36. |
Uros Milutinovic, University of Maribor, Slovenia
uros.milutinovic@uni-mb.si |
Relative and Pointed Versions of Lipscomb's Embedding Theorem |
37. |
Mamoru Mimura, Okayama University, Japan
mimura@math.okayama-u.ac.jp |
Twisted Tensor Products Related
to the Cohomology of the Classifying Spaces of Loop Groups |
38. |
Manuel A. Moron, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
ma_moron@mat.ucm.es |
39. |
Neza Mramor Kosta, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
neza.mramor-kosta@fmf.uni-lj.si |
CW Structure of G-Complexes |
40. |
Slawomir Nowak, University of Warsaw, Poland
snowak@mimuw.edu.pl |
Stable Cohomotopy Groups of Compact Spaces |
41. |
Patrice Pungu Ntumba, Vista University, Pretoria, South Africa
ntmba-p@marlin.vista.ac.za |
On Sikorski and Frolicher CW-Complexes |
42. |
Fatma Özdemir, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
fozdemir@itu.edu.tr |
On Conformally Recurrent Kahlerian-Weyl Spaces |
43. |
Petar Pavesic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
petar.pavesic@fmf.uni-lj.si |
Decompositions of Stable Homotopy Equivalences |
44. |
Andrei V. Prasolov, University of Tromsø, Norway
prasolov@math.uit.no |
Coherent Homomorphisms of H-spaces |
45. |
Dusan Repovs, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
dusan.repovs@uni-lj.si |
Cellular Resolutions of Polyhedra |
46. |
Helen D. Robinson, Coventry University, England
h.robinson@coventry.ac.uk |
Operations in the Space of Fuzzy Numbers |
47. |
Witold Rosicki, Gdansk University, Poland
wrosicki@math.univ.gda.pl |
On Uniqueness of Cartesian Products of Surfaces with Boundary |
48. |
Leonard R. Rubin, University of Oklahoma, USA
lrubin@math.ou.edu |
for Metrizable Compacta in Extension Theory |
49. |
Jose M. R. Sanjurjo, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Jose_Sanjurjo@mat.ucm.es |
Morse Decompositions and Hopf Duality of Isolated Invariant Sets |
50. |
Marcin Sawicki, Warsaw University, Poland
msawicki@mimuw.edu.pl |
Extending Maps in Asymptotic Categories |
51. |
Nikita Shekutkovski, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
nikita@iunona.pmf.ukim.edu.mk |
Between Continuity and Uniform Continuity |
52. |
Sonja Stimac, University of Zagreb, Croatia
sonja@math.hr |
Classification of Knaster Continua with Finitely Many Endpoints |
53. |
Luciano Stramaccia, University of Perugia, Italia
stra@dipmat.unipg.it |
Groupoids and Shape |
54. |
Vera Tonic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
vtonic@math.hr |
Extension of Menger-Urysohn Addition Theorem to Stratifiable Spaces |
55. |
Henryk Torunczyk, Warsaw University, Poland
torunczy@impan.gov.pl |
Existence of Equilibria in Certain Games: Topological and Geometric Aspects |
56. |
Edward D. Tymchatyn, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
tymchat@math.usask.ca |
Fibrewise Measures and Milutin Mappings |
57. |
Nikica Uglesic, University of Split, Croatia
uglesic@mapmf.pmfst.hr |
On the S-Equivalence and Related Notions |
58. |
Sime Ungar, University of Zagreb, Croatia
ungar@math.hr |
59. |
Gerard A. Venema, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, USA
venema@calvin.edu |
Classifying Polygonal Chains of Six Segments |
60. |
Tatsuhiko Yagasaki, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
yagasaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp |
Classification of Homotopy Types of Embedding Spaces into 2-Manifolds |
61. |
Andreas Zastrow, University of Gdansk, Poland
zastrow@manta.univ.gda.pl |
Decomposing into Essentially One-Dimensional Spaces Two-Dimensional Planar
Sets that are not Homotopy Equivalent to Anything One-Dimensional |
62. |
Matjaz Zeljko, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
matjaz.zeljko@fmf.uni-lj.si |
Linking of Compact Sets |