Ivana Valentić
I am a research and teaching assistant at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. I organise an informal, online Doctoral Probability Seminar .
My fields of interest are:- Stochastic Processes,
- Wright-Fisher diffusions,
- Stochastic Homogenization,
- Probability Theory.
- (with P. A. Jenkins, J. Koskela, V. M. Rivero, J. Sant, D. Spano) Excursion theory for Wright--Fisher diffusions, Preprint 29 pp, 2023
- Skew-product decomposition of Brownian motion on ellipsoid, Stat. and Prob. Letters. 195:109784, 2023
- (with N. Sandrić) A CLT for degenerate diffusions with periodic coefficients, and application to homogenisation of linear PDEs, J. Differ. Equ. 282:233-271, 2021
- (with N. Sandrić and J. Wang) Periodic homogenization of a Lévy-type process with small jumps, J. Evol. Equ. 21(1):771-803, 2021
- Nov 2020, University of Zagreb, Supervisor: Nikola Sandrić , PhD thesis: Periodic homogenization for Lévy-type processes
- Sep 2015, University of Zagreb, Supervisor: Bojan Basrak , master thesis: Razdioba dugih ciklusa i velikih djelitelja
Student project
- 2015, University of Zagreb, Supervisor: Vjekoslav Kovač , (with M. Stipčić) Applications of random dyadic systems to decompositions of functions and operators
- Jul 17-19, 2023, The SPDEvent 202, University of Bielefeld
Contribution talk - Jul 18-22, 2022, 10th International Conference on Lévy Processes, University of Mannheim
Poster presentation - Jul 16-17, 2022, Summer School of the 10th International Conference on Lévy Processes, University of Mannheim
Contribution talk - Sep 6-10, 2021, 22nd European Young Statisticians Meeting, Athens
Contribution talk - Jun 21-25, 2021, 8th European Congress of Mathematics, University of Primorska
Contribution talk - Jun 1-4, 2021, Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications V, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Poster presentation - Mar 24, 2021, LMS Women in Mathematics Day 2021, University of Plymouth
Contribution talk - Feb 28, 2020, PMF Doctoral Student Symposium, University of Zagreb
Poster presentation - Jul 15-19, 2019, 9th International Conference on Lévy Processes, Department of Statistics and Actuarial-Financial Mathematics of the University of the Aegean
Poster presentation - Jul 8-12, 2019, Satellite Summer School of the 9th International Conference on Lévy Processes (Lévy 2019), National Technical University of Athens
Contribution talk - Apr 29- May 10, 2019, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Seminar talk
Akademska godina 2023/24: Akademska godina 2022/23: Akademska godina 2021/22: Akademska godina 2019/20: Akademska godina 2018/19: Akademska godina 2017/18: Akademska godina 2016/17:- Matematička analiza 1 (prof fiz, inf)
- Matematička analiza 2 (prof fiz, inf)
- Metodika nastave matematike 1
- Metodika nastave matematike 2
- Elementarna geometrija
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science,
University of Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: ivana.valentic@math.hr
URL: http://web.math.hr/~ivalentic/
Phone: (+385 1) 4605 879
Room: A311/III (3rd floor)
Inspired by w3-schools.