Professional duties
Conference organization:
- 8th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing ApplMath13, June 10-14 2013, Šibenik, Croatia (Organizing Committee)
- Conference on Partial Differential Equations COPDE 2014, May 29 - June 1 2014, Novacella, Italy (International Organizing Committee)
- 9th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing ApplMath18, September 17-20 2018, Šibenik, Croatia (Organizing Committee)
- 10th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing ApplMath20, September 14-18 2020, Brijuni, Croatia (Organizing Committee)
- 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, June 15-18 2022, Split, Croatia (Organizing Committee)
- 11th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing ApplMath22, September 5-9 2022, Brijuni, Croatia (Organizing Committee)
- 12th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing ApplMath24, September 23-27 2024, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Organizing Committee)
- Member of Editorial Board of Glasnik Matematički (2022 - )
- Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Mathematical Inequalities (2019 - )
- Member of Editorial Board of Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2018 - 2024)
- Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Physics Communications (2018 - )
- Guest Editor of a Special Issue of Mathematics: "Mathematics on Partial Differential Equations" (2014)
- Guest Editor of a Special Issue of Mathematical Communications: "Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing ApplMath13" (2014)
Review service:
- Referee for the journals: Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Applicable Analysis, Applied Mathematics Letters, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematics & Optimization, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Chemical Engineering Journal, Composites Part B: Engineering, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, Hydrological Processes, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Computational Methods, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations, Journal of Porous Media, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Mathematische Nachrichten, Mechanics Research Communications, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Multiscale Modelling and Simulation, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Physics of Fluids, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Scientific Reports, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Transport in Porous Media, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik, etc.
- Reviewer for Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)
- Evaluator for Croatian Science Foundation (CSF)
Ph.D. thesis supervisorships:
- Marija Prša (with E. Marušić-Paloka), Mathematical analysis of the heat conduction problem in a dilated pipe filled with a fluid (defended: 12.7.2018.)
- Marko Radulović, Mathematical analysis of the nonsteady flow of micropolar fluid in a thin domain (defended: 23.5.2019.)
- Borja Rukavina, Contributions to asymptotic modeling of the micropolar fluid flow (defended: 21.6.2024.)
Supervised postdocs:
- Marko Radulović (2019-2021)
- Matteo Caggio (2020-2021)
- Jean Carlos Nakasato (2021-2022)
- Tvrtko Dorešić (2023-2024)
- Borja Rukavina (2024-2026)
Ph.D. committee memberships (foreign only):
- Gonzalo Castineira, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (2018)
- Rita Juodagalvyte, Universite Saint-Etienne and Vilnius University (2022)
- Nikolajus Kozulinas, Vilnius University (2024)
- Grigory Panasenko (April 2024)
- Jean Carlos Nakasato (February 2024)
- Marcone C. Pereira (September 2023, November 2015)
- Grzegorz Lukaszewicz (March 2023)
- Matteo Caggio (January 2020)
- Andro Mikelić (December 2019)
- Endre Suli (December 2018, June 2014)
- Michal Beneš (May 2017)
- Francisco Javier Suarez-Grau (July 2016, February 2013)
- Gonzalo Castineira (February 2016)
- Head of Department of Mathematics (2018-2022)
- Vice Head of Department of Mathematics (2014-2018)
- Assistant Head of Department of Mathematics (in charge of science) (2014-2018, 2022-2024)
- Assistant Head of Department of Mathematics (in charge of finance) (2024-2026)
Other duties:
- Member of the Board for the field of Mathematics, Croatia (2024-2028)
- Member of the ASHE's Expert Panels for re-accreditation of HEI in Croatia (2015, 2021)