Croatian-English Sentence Dictionary |
(or: the second part of the trilogy) rr.HE is maintained by |
News (19 April 2004)
Good news! After more than succesfull start of EH Dictionary ( EH.r ) I have decided to make Croatian-English Sentence Dictionary: rr.HE. In Croatian-English Sentence Dictionary you will find translations of English sentences to Croatian and vice versa. It will very soon be the biggest Croatian-English Sentence Dictionary, open for comments and ammendments. Again, I have chosen the simpliest possible format - text format in which one row consists of English and Croatian sentences, separated by one tab character. IN this sentence dictionary, every sentence pair appears only once.
Purpose of EH Sentence Dictionaryrr.HE serves as complement to EH dictionary in two ways:
1. When there are multiple translation in the EH dictionary exists for some term, by using EH Sentence dictionary, one can, from the existing translated sentences, determine which translation best suits to the certain context.
2. rr.HE Sentence Dictionary can contain translations that are not yet added to the EH dictionary.
EH Sentence Dictionary is not a corpus. I don't want to overwork by satisfying the conditions that are usually requested for a corpus, i.e. rr.HE doesn't consist of bibliographical and other data. With such approach, rr.EH does not suggest to translator - user of the sentence dictionary - any particular translation, by using the authority of some translator, but only expose used solutions, so the translator can freely choose the most suitable term. Again, the same logic as in the EH dictionary, is used. And again, the multiplication of records in rr.HE is avoided. Project's objective: This page was created on 13 November 2003, exactly 18 months affter successful start of EH dictionary. It is not sponsored by anybody, but however, the result will be the greatest English-Croatian Sentence Dictionary, accessible to everybody. During this process, I will use only Internet for the communication purposes. Why this project is useful for the wider community: You can freely download this English-Croatian Sentence Dictionary and use it for any purpose, with no restrictions. Sentence Dictionary is saved as plain text and contains two columns: English and Croatian. This technology approved to be ideal, what is obvious from the development of software EH.r generated in past 18 months. Project's viability: To be permanent useful, this dictionary has to be filled with new sentences, and wrongly entered sentences have to be deleted. For this purpose, I have defined very simple rules that do not require any special technology. It is only important that you, users of the sentence dictionary, invest certain effort for general, so proper, well-being. For addition of new terms, please send the message to the address Please enter: rr.ADD in the Subject field, and in the message body, the list of sentences which you want to add to the dictionary. Every row must contain English and Croatian sentence, separated by the tabulator. For deleting wrongly entered terms, please send message with Subject rr. DELETE to the same address. I will manually implement your change request to the Sentence Dictionary (by using Copy and Paste commands). And that's all. I reserve the right not to accept malicious contributions. Usability of Sentence Dictionary: This Sentence Dictionary does not contain sources of translations but only translations. Therefore, it is equally usable as an English-Croatian or as a Croatian-English Sentence Dictionary for translators.
A lot of success in using the dictionary,
Dr. Goran Igaly.
In Zagreb, 19 April 2004