Talks at the conferences/seminars
M. Tadić, On problems showing up in classifying irreducible unitary representations of
classical p-adic groups, Representation theory XVI, Dubrovnik, 2019.
I. Ciganović, Composition series of a class of induced representations, Representation theory XVI, Dubrovnik, 2019.
S. Žunar, Integral non-vanishing criteria for Poincare series, 33rd Automorphic Forms Workshop Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, 2019.
M. Hanzer, Theta correspondence for symplectic-orthogonal and metaplectic-orthogonal dual reductive pairs, MF Oberwolfach, 2019.
S. Žunar, Schwartz space S(G(k)\G(A)), Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms seminar, Department of Mathematics,
University of Vienna, 2020.
M. Hanzer, Adams' conjecture on theta correspondence, Relative Aspects of the Langlands Program, L-Functions and Beyond Endoscopy, CIRM-Luminy, Marseille, 2021.
M. Hanzer, Adams’ conjecture on theta correspondence-the discrete diagonal restriction case, Automorphic Forms, Geometry and Arithmetic, MF Oberwolfach, August 2021.
N. Grbac, On the Franke filtration, Workshop on Arthur Packets and Related Problems, Zagreb, 2022.
P. Bakić, Theta correspondence and Arthur packets: the Adams conjecture, Revisiting the Works of Harish-Chandra and André Weil, Singapore, July 2022.
D. Brajković Zorić, On unitary dual of a p-adic group, Building Bridges 5th EU/US Summer School and Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics (BB5), Sarajevo, BIH, August 2022.
D. Brajković Zorić, On unitary dual of p -adic group SO(7) with support on minimal parabolic subgroup, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, Croatia, June 2022.
G. Muić, Modular forms and complex geometry of curves, online lecture at The European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC) Mathematics Seminars, December 2021.
G. Muić, Hilbert's irreducibility, modular forms, and computation of certain Galois groups, Alpe Adria meeting, Zagreb,May 2022.
G. Muić, Hilbert's irreducibility, modular forms, and computation of certain Galois groups, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split , June 2022.
G. Muić, Construction of Plane Models of Modular Curves (plenary lecture),5th Croatian Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Dubrovnik, September 2022.
G. Muić, Models of $X_0(N)$ and beyond via modular forms and some
applications (joint with I. Kodrnja), Representation theory XVII, Dubrovnik, October 2022.
B. Bošnjak, Composition series and unitary subquotients of representations induced from essentially Speh and cuspidal, Workshop on Arthur packets and related problems, Zagreb, 2022.
B. Bošnjak, Representations induced from essentially Speh and strongly positive discrete series, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, Croatia, June 2022.
B. Bošnjak, Representations induced from essentially Speh and strongly positive discrete series, Seminar "Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms", Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria, April 2021.
B. Bošnjak, Representation theory of $p$-adic groups - Langlands program, 5th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium, University of Zagreb, April 2021.
I. Ciganović, Composition series of a class of induced representations, 8th European Congress of Mathematics, 2021.,
I. Ciganović, Composition series of a class of induced representations, 5th International Online Conference on Mathematics
“An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians”, 2021.,
I. Ciganović, Reducibility of some generalized principal series of the metaplectic group, 5th International Online Conference on Mathematics
“An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians”, 2021.,
I. Ciganović, Composition series of a class of induced representations, SAMSA, 2021.,
I. Ciganović, Composition series of a class of induced representations, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, Croatia, June 2022.
S. Žunar, Integral non-vanishing criteria for Poincaré series, May 2019., Number Theory Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
S. Žunar, Non-vanishing of Poincaré series, Representation Theory XVI, Dubrovnik, June 2019.
S. Žunar, Non-vanishing of Poincaré series, Women in automorphic forms, Bielefeld, September 2021.
S. Žunar, Non-vanishing of Poincaré series, (invited lecture), conference Young Scholars in the Analytic Theory of Numbers and Automorphic Forms,(FANTASY 2022), Mathematical Institute, University of Bonn, March 2022.
S. Žunar, On topological aspects of smooth-automorphic forms, (invited lecture), Minimal Representations and Theta Correspondence, ESI, Vienna, April 2022.
S. Žunar, On the Schwartz space $\mathcal S(G(k)\backslash G(\mathbb A))$, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress (CroMC), Split, June 2022.
S. Žunar, On the Schwartz space $\mathcal S(G(k)\backslash G(\mathbb A))$, Arthur packets and related problems, Zagreb, June 2022.
S. Žunar, Integral non-vanishing criteria for Poincaré series, Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie (ELAZ 2022), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, August 2022.
S. Žunar, Integral non-vanishing criteria for Poincaré series, Automorphic Forms Conference, Erdös Center, Budapest, September 2022.
S. Žunar, New results on the non-vanishing of Poincaré series, Representation Theory XVII, Dubrovnik, October 2022.
M. Hanzer, On some degenerate Eisenstein series, New connections in number theory and physics, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, September, 2022.
M. Tadić, An approach to the unitarizability problem in the case of classical p-adic groups, Minimal Representations and Theta Correspondence, ESI, Vienna, April 2022.
M.Tadić, On unitarizability of representations of classical p-adic groups, Representation Theory XVII, Dubrovnik, October 2022.
1st Project meeting (September 2019.)
Sonja Žunar, PMF-MO, Schwartzov prostor, automorfne forme i Poincareovi redovi na G(k)\G(A)
Darija Brajković, Odjel za matematiku, Osijek, Unitarni dual p-adske grupe SO(7) s nosačem na minimalnoj paraboličkoj podgrupi
Ivan Matić, Odjel za matematiku, Osijek, O metodama determinacije kompozicionih nizova.
Goran Muić, PMF-MO, O idealima koji definiraju ireducibilne reprezentacije reduktivnih p-adskih grupa
Igor Ciganović, PMF-MO, Kompozicioni nizovi nekih induciranih reprezentacija
Barbara Bošnjak, PMF-MO, Kompozicioni nizovi reprezentacije $Speh\rtimes\sigma$
Marcela Hanzer, Petar Bakić, PMF-MO, Generalizirana injektivnost, generičke reprezentacije metaplektičke grupe; theta korespondencija