Published or accepted
P. Bakić, Theta lifts of generic representations: the case of odd orthogonal groups, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 54, No. 2 (2019), 421-462
M. Hanzer, Generalized injectivity conjecture for classical p-adic groups II,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol. 224, No. 1, (2020), 149-168,
N. Grbac, J. Schwermer, A construction of residues of Eisenstein series and related square-integrable classes in the cohomology of arithmetic groups of low k-rank, Forum Mathematicum, Vol. 31 (2019), No. 5, 1225--1263
G. Muić, On Ideals Defining Irreducible Representations of Reductive $p$--adic Groups, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 768, Lie Groups, NUmber Theory, Vertex Algebras, "Representation Theory XVI", 119-132.
G. Muić, S. Žunar, On the Schwartz Space $\mathcal{S}(G(k)\setminus G(\mathbf{A})),$ Monatshefte für Mathematik, Vol. 192 (2020), 677–720
P. Bakić, M. Hanzer, Generic representations of metaplectic groups and their theta lifts, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol 297 (2021), 1421–1465
P. Bakić, Theta lifts of generic representations for dual pairs $(\mathrm{Sp}_{2n}, \mathrm{O}(V)),$ Manuscripta Mathematica, Vol. 165 (2021),291–338
M. Tadić, Unitarizability in corank three for classical p-adic groups, the Memoirs of the AMS,
Y. Kim, B. Liu, I. Matić: Degenerate principal series for classical and odd GSpin groups in the general case, Representation theory, Vol.24 (2020), 403-434
I. Matić: Reducibility of representations induced from the Zelevinsky segment and discrete series, Manuscripta Mathematica, 164/3-4 (2021), 349-374
G. Muić, On Representations of Reductive $p$--adic Groups over $\mathbf{Q}$--algebras, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 55, No. 2 (2020),203-235
N. Grbac, J. Schwermer, Eisenstein series for rank one unitary groups and some cohomological applications, Advances in Mathematics,Vol. 376 (2021), Art. No. 107438, 48 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2020.107438
I. Matić, Representations induced from the Zelevinsky segment and discrete series in the half-integral case, Forum Mathematicum, 33/1 (2021), 193- 212
D. Brajković Zorić, Unitary dual of p-adic group SO(7) with support on minimal parabolic, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 56, No.1 (2021), 107-149
P. Bakić, M. Hanzer, Theta correspondence for p-adic dual pairs of type I, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, Vol. 776 (2021),63-117,
S. Žunar, Non-vanishing of vector-valued Poincaré series, Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 224 (2021), 217-242
B. Bošnjak, Representations induced from the ladder and cuspidal representations of classical p-adic groups, Proceedings of AMS, Vol. 149 (2021), No. 12, 5081--5091
M. Tadić, On unitarizability and Arthur packets, Manuscripta Mathematica, Vol. 169 (2022), 327–367
I. Matić, On representations induced from the Zelevinsky segment and a tempered representation in the half-integral case, Journal of Algebra
and Its Applications (2022)
B. Bošnjak, I. Matić, Discrete series and the essentially Speh representations, Journal of Algebra, Vol. 611 (2022), 65-81
I. Matić, Irreducibility criteria for the generalized principal series of unitary groups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
Vol.150/11 (2022), 5009-5021
N. Grbac, H. Grobner, Some unexpected phenomena in the Franke filtration of the space of automorphic forms of the general linear group, Israel Journal of Mathematics, (2022)
B. Bošnjak, Composition Series and Unitary Subquotients of Representations Induced from Essentially Speh and Cuspidal Representations, Journal of Lie Theory
I. Ciganović, Composition series of a class of induced representations built on discrete series, Manuscripta Mathematica,
B. Bošnjak, Representations induced from essentially Speh and strongly positive discrete series
D. Mikoč, G. Muić, On Higher Order Weierstrass Points on X0(N),
I. Kodrnja, G. Muić, Hilbert's Irreducibility, Modular Forms, and Computation of Certain Galois Groups,
D. Brajković Zorić, Aubert involution on the unitary dual of SO(7) supported on the minimal parabolic subgroup
P. Bakić, M.Hanzer, Theta correspondence and Arthur packets: on the Adams conjecture
H. Grobner, S. Žunar, On the notion of the parabolic and the cuspidal support of smooth-automorphic forms and smooth-automorphic representations,
S. Žunar, On a family of Siegel Poincaré series,