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The first draft of a new HPF standard, [4], known as HPF2.0 was issued in October 1996. It has been drafted in the light of both user and vendor experience with the original HPF specification.

A number of problems were identified with the first specification, these fell in two areas,

  1. missing functionality,
  2. inefficient language features.

The new specification has addressed both these areas. Some features have been moved out of the language but have been kept as ``approved extensions''; a large number of new features have been introduced, most of these are designated as approved extensions, but a small number have actually been added to the language itself.

In addition to this, HPF2.0 is not partitioned in Full and Subset features and is now bound to Fortran 95 (as opposed to Fortran 90) so features such as FORALL\ statements and constructs, PURE functions and the extensions to MINLOC and MAXLOC are no longer detailed in the HPF specification. In addition, Fortran 95 contains the nested WHERE construct which is guaranteed to tie the brain in knots!

There follows a brief description of the changes.

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©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997
Not for commercial use.