Up: High Performance Fortran Detailed
Previous: comp.lang.fortran
- 1
Anonymous, Fortran, ISO/IEC 1539, 1991.
- 2
PARKBENCH Committee, Public internatioanl benchmarks for parallel
computers, Tech. report, PARKBENCH Committee, 1994.
- 3
High Performance Forum, High Performance Fortran language
specification, version 1.1, Tech. report, Rice University, May 1993.
- 4
to3em, High Performance Fortran language specification, version
2.0 (draft), Tech. report, Rice University, Nov 1996.
The development of this Course was funded by JISC/NTI. Acknowledgements to
Steve Morgan of Liverpool University and Dave Watson and Mike Delves of
NA Software. ©University of Liverpool, 1997.
Up: High Performance Fortran Detailed
Previous: comp.lang.fortran
©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997Not for commercial use.