
My scientific work is based on studing partial differential equations using theory and techniques of real and functional analysis such as Fourier analysis, microlocal defect functionals (H-measures, semiclassical measures...) and strongly continuous semigroups.

I am an active member of Seminar for differential equations and numerical analysis at the Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb.

Currantly, I am an associate professor at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.


) Darko Mitrović, Marko Erceg: Degenerate parabolic equations -- compactness and regularity of solutions, September 2022, 32 pp.
) Krešimir Burazin, Marko Erceg, Marcus Waurick: G-convergence of Friedrichs systems revisited, July 2022, 18 pp.

Published (or accepted for publishing)

) Nenad Antonić, Marko Erceg: One-scale H-distributions and variants, Results in Mathematics, 78, Arcitcle number: 165 (2023) 53 pp. [preprint]
) Marko Erceg, Marin Mišur, Darko Mitrović: Velocity averaging for diffusive transport equations with discontinuous flux, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 107 (2023) 658-703. [preprint]
) Marko Erceg, Sandeep Kumar Soni: Classification of classical Friedrichs differential operators: One-dimensional scalar case, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 21 (2022) 3499-3527. [preprint]
) Marko Erceg, Darko Mitrović: Strong traces to degenerate parabolic equations, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 54 (2022) 1775-1796.
) Nenad Antonić, Marko Erceg, Marin Mišur: Distributions of anisotropic order and applications to H-distributions, Analysis and Applications, 19 (2021) 801-843. [preprint]
) Marko Erceg, Alessandro Michelangeli: On contact interactions realised as Friedrichs systems, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 13 (2019) 703-736. [preprint]
) Marko Erceg, Martin Lazar: Characteristic scales of bounded L2 sequences, Asymptotic Analysis, 109(3-4) (2018) 171-192. [preprint]
) Marko Erceg, Ivan Ivec: Second commutation lemma for fractional H-measures, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 9(3) (2018) 589-613. [preprint]
) Nenad Antonić, Krešimir Burazin, Ivana Crnjac, Marko Erceg: Complex Friedrichs systems and applications, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58 (2017) 101508, 22 pp. [preprint]
) Nenad Antonić, Marko Erceg, Alessandro Michelangeli: Friedrichs systems in a Hilbert space framework: solvability and multiplicity, Journal of Differential Equations, 263 (2017) 8264-8294. [preprint]
) Marko Erceg, Ivan Ivec: On generalisation of H-measures, Filomat, 31(16) (2017) 5027-5044. [preprint]
) Nenad Antonić, Marko Erceg, Martin Lazar: Localisation principle for one-scale H-measures, Journal of Functional Analysis, 272 (2017) 3410-3454. [preprint]
) Krešimir Burazin, Marko Erceg: Non-stationary abstract Friedrichs systems, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 13 (2016) 3777-3796. [preprint]
) Krešimir Burazin, Marko Erceg: Estimates for mild solutions to semilinear Cauchy problems, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2014 (2014), No. 194, pp. 1-10. [preprint]


) Marko Erceg: One-scale H-measures and variants (in Croatian), Ph.D. thesis, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (2016).
) Marko Erceg: The semi-classical limit of the Schrödinger equation (in Croatian), Master thesis, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (2011).