- L. Bagnoli, S. Kožić, A note on the quantum Berezinian for the double Yangian of the Lie superalgebra glm|n,
Algebras and Representation Theory (2024),;
- M. Butorac, S. Kožić, A. Meurman, M. Primc, Lepowsky's and Wakimoto's product formulas for the affine Lie algebras Cl(1),
Journal of Algebra 660 (2024), 147-189;
- L. Bagnoli, S. Kožić, Double Yangian and reflection algebras of the Lie superalgebra glm|n, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 27, No. 02 (2025), 2450007, (25 pages); preprint.
- L. Bagnoli, S. Kožić, Yangian deformations of S-commutative quantum vertex algebras and Bethe subalgebras, Transformation Groups (2024),; preprint.
- L. Bagnoli, Homology of the complexes of finite Verma modules
over CK6, Journal of Algebra 641 (2024), 307-352; preprint.
- M. Butorac, N. Jing, S. Kožić, F. Yang, Semi-infinite construction for the double Yangian of type A1(1), Journal of Algebra 638 (2024), 465-487; preprint.
- S. Kožić, M. Sertić, A note on constructing quasi modules for quantum vertex algebras from twisted Yangians, Algebras and Representation Theory 27 (2024), 363-380; preprint.
- M. Butorac, S. Kožić, Combinatorial bases of standard modules of twisted affine Lie algebras in types A2l-1(2) and Dl+1(2): rectangular highest weights, Communications in Algebra 51 (2023), 4012-4032; preprint.
- S. Kožić, On the h-adic quantum vertex algebras associated with Hecke symmetries,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 397 (2023), 607-634; preprint.
- M. Butorac, S. Kožić, Principal subspaces for the affine Lie algebras in types D, E and F, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 56 (2022), 1063-1096; preprint.
- M. Butorac, S. Kožić, On the Heisenberg algebra associated with the rational R-matrix, Journal of Mathematical Physics 63 (2022) 011701 (23pp); preprint.
- M. Butorac, S. Kožić, Principal subspaces for the quantum affine vertex algebra in type A1(1), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 226 (2022) 106973 (14pp); preprint.
- S. Kožić, h-adic quantum vertex algebras in types B, C, D and their phi-coordinated modules,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 54 (2021) 485202 (27pp); preprint.
- S. Kožić, On the quantum affine vertex algebra associated with trigonometric R-matrix, Selecta Mathematica, New Series 27 (2021) 45 (49 pages); preprint.
M. Butorac, S. Kožić, M. Primc, Parafermionic bases of standard modules for affine Lie algebras, Mathematische Zeitschrift 298 (2021), 1003-1032; preprint.
- M. Butorac, A note on principal subspaces of the affine Lie algebras in types Bl(1), Cl(1), F4(1) and G2(1), Communications in Algebra 48 (2020), 5343-5359; preprint.
Preprints submitted for publication
- L. Bagnoli, M. Butorac, S. Kožić, On two families of quantum vertex algebras of FRT-type, arXiv:2501.17625 [math.QA].
- L. Bagnoli, S. Kožić, Associating deformed phi-coordinated modules for the quantum affine vertex algebra with orthogonal twisted h-Yangians, arXiv:2407.00515 [math.QA].
- L. Bagnoli, S. Kožić, Deformed quantum vertex algebra modules associated with braidings, arXiv:2405.04137 [math.QA].