Number theory and arithmetic geometry |
Research project no. HRZZ IP-2022-10-5008 funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ)
Hosting organization: Faculty of Science (PMF), University of Zagreb
Project duration: 48 months (from December 31, 2023 to December 30, 2027)
Total amount of funding: 166022.97 EUR |
The project coordinates and supports the research activities of the Croatian number theory and arithmetic geometry group. Research topics are: Arithmetic of modular curves, Diophantine D(n)-m-tuples, Diophantine approximations, Application of deep learning in number theory and Congruences for sporadic sequences and modular forms. |
- Filip Najman, professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Nikola Adžaga, assistant professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb
- Alen Andrašek, PhD student, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb
- Marija Bliznac Trebješanin, assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- Sanda Bujačić Babić, assistant professor, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Rijeka
- Maarten Derickx, postdoc, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Goran Dražić , postdoc, Faculty of Food Techology and Biotechonlogy, University of Zagreb
- Andrej Dujella, professor, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Alan Filipin, professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb
- Zrinka Franušić, associate professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Mirela Jukić Bokun, associate professor, School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
- Ana Jurasić, assistant professor, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Rijeka, Croatia
- Matija Kazalicki, professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Ivan Novak, PhD student, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Lukas Novak, PhD student, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Petar Orlić, PhD student, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Tomislav Pejković, assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Pavao Radić, PhD student, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- Ivan Soldo, associate professor, School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
In the 1st project year
[1] |
F. Najman, On r-isogenies over Q(\zeta_r) of elliptic curves with rational j-invariants, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 118 (2024), 134. |
[2] |
B. S. Banwait, F. Najman, O. Padurariu, Cyclic isogenies of elliptic curves over a fixed quadratic field, Math. Comp. 93 (2024), 841-862. |
[3] |
N. Freitas, F. Najman, Two results on x^r+y^r=dz^p , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152 (2024), 591-598. |
[4] |
N. Adžaga, T. Keller, P. Michaud-Jacobs, F. Najman, E. Ozman, B. Vukorepa, Computing quadratic points on modular curves X_0(N), Math. Comp. 93 (2024), 1371-1397. |
[5] |
F. Najman, P. Orlić, Gonality of the modular curve X_0(N), Math. Comp. 93 (2024), 863-886. |
[6] |
M. Jukić Bokun, I. Soldo, Extensions of D(-1)-pairs in some imaginary quadratic fields, New York Journal of Mathematics 30 (2024), 745-755. |
[7] |
Z. Franušić, A. Jurasić, On nonexistence of D(n)-quadruples, Math. Slovaca 74 (2024), 835-844. |
[8] |
M. Derickx, P. Orlić, Modular curves X0(N) with infinitely many quartic points, Res. Number Theory 10, article number 42, (2024) |
[9] |
Z. Bujanović, M. Kazalicki, L. Novak, Murmurations of Mestre-Nagao sums, IJDSMS 02 (2024), 51-61. |
Conference and seminar talks |
In the 1st project year
- F. Najman, Q-curves, sporadic points, and Serre's uniformity conjecture, (invited confernece talk), 31.1.2024, 2024 Workshop on Number Theory and Algebra, Daejeon, South Korea
- F. Najman, Quadratic points on modular curves, (invited confernece talk), 1.2.2024, 2024 Workshop on Number Theory and Algebra, Daejeon, South Korea
- P. Orlić, Tetragonal modular quotients X^+_0(N), (confernece talk), 1.2.2024, 2024 Workshop on Number Theory and Algebra, Daejeon, South Korea
- F. Najman, Elliptic curves, (invited confernece talk), 4.2.2024, 2024 Algebra Camp, Yangpyeong, South Korea
- P. Orlić, Gonality of the modular curve X_0(N), (invited confernece talk), 4.2.2024, 2024 Algebra Camp, Yangpyeong, South Korea
- F. Najman, Modular Curves, (invited confernece talk), 5.2.2024, 2024 Algebra Camp, Yangpyeong, South Korea
- M. Kazalicki, Ranks of elliptic curves and deep neural networks, (invited conference talk), 27.2.2024, Hybrid Conference on AI-MATH, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- M. Kazalicki, Ranks of elliptic curves and neural networks, (invited conference talk), 13.4.2024, Alpe - Adria seminar, Zagreb, Croatia
- N. Adžaga, Low Degree Points on Modular Curves and Their Quotients, (confernece talk), 18.4.2024, The eighth mini symposium of the Roman Number Theroy Association, Rome, Italy
- F. Najman, Hyperelliptic and trigonal modular curves, (confernece talk), 18.4.2024, The eighth mini symposium of the Roman Number Theroy Association, Rome, Italy
- A. Filipin, On the extension of D(4)-triples {q,b,c}, (conference talk), 13.6.2024, Canadian Number Theory Association XVI (CNTA XVI), Toronto, Canada
- A. Dujella High-rank elliptic curves with given torsion group, (invited conference talk), 25.6.2024, The Quest for the Hidden Simplicity of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis and Representation Theory - a conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Marko Tadic, Zagreb, Croatia
- Zrinka Franušić On polynomial D(n)-quadruples in Z[X], (conference talk), 2.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- Ana Jurasić, On the existence of D(2X+1)-quadruples in Z[X], (conference talk), 2.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- S. Bujačić Babić Polynomial D(4)-quadruples in R[X] , (conference talk), 3.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- A. Dujella Rational Diophantine sextuples with strong pair, (conference talk), 3.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- M. Jukić Bokun, The extendibility of parametric D(-1)-triples, (conference talk), 3.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- M. Kazalicki, Ranks of elliptic curves and deep neural networks, (invited conference talk), 3.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- F. Najman, Low degree points on modular curves, (plenary talk), 3.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- I. Novak, Degrees of cyclic isogenies of elliptic curves with rational j-invariant, (conference talk), 3.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- L. Novak, Quadratic twists of genus one curves, (conference talk), 3.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- I. Soldo, Diophantine m- tuples in certain imaginary quadratic rings, (conference talk), 3.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- P. Radić, New results on D(4)-m-tuples, (poster), 4.7.2024, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, Croatia
- M. Kazalicki, Improving Mestre-Nagao heuristics with data science, (invited conference talk), 13.11.2024, Murmurations in Arithmetic Geometry and Related Topics, Stony Brook, NY, USA
Participation in summer schools, workshops, and conferences |
In the 1st project year
- P. Orlic, A Modern Introduction to Number Theory, 1-6.9.2024, Pisa, Italy
- I. Novak, A Modern Introduction to Number Theory, 1-6.9.2024, Pisa, Italy
- P. Orlic, Introduction to Number Theory and Algebraic Curves, 9-20.9.2024, Belgrade, Serbia
- I. Novak, Introduction to Number Theory and Algebraic Curves, 9-20.9.2024, Belgrade, Serbia
- A. Andrašek, Introduction to Number Theory and Algebraic Curves, 4-8.11.2024, Groningen, Netherlands
Organization of workshops |
In the 1st project year
Postdoc position 1 year, start date April or May 2024: Maarten Derickx joins us.
December 31, 2023 |
Project started. |