Geometric Topology II

General Informations


Dubrovnik, Croatia

Don Frane Bulica 4
HR-20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia
April, 2002


September 29 - October 5, 2002

Second Announcement

The Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik, Croatia, is hosting a conference on GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY to be held September 29 - October 5, 2002. We would like to invite you to participate in this conference. The following invited speakers have confirmed their intention to attend: S.Antonyan, A.Dranishnikov, J.Dydak, K.Eda, S.Illman, T.Januszkiewicz, K.Kawamura, J.Keesling, A.Koyama, M.Levine, S.Mardesic, L.Montejano, S.Nowak, P.Pavesic, D.Repovs, L.R.Rubin, J.R.Sanjurjo, H.Torunczyk.

Beside the 45 min invited talks, there will also be sessions for shorter contributed talks. The participants are invited to contribute talks.

We expect important new results to be reported and we hope for an atmosphere of lively exchange. Your participation would add much to this event. The journal TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS has agreed to publish the proceedings of this conference.

The city of Dubrovnik is a beautiful city with a rich history. The Inter-University Centre will provide convenient facilities for our work together. Those who have attended past meetings there have pleasant memories of the surroundings as well as the stimulating intellectual exchange that took place. During previous conferences we have been served by the Hotel LERO. It is located at a pleasant walking distance from the Inter-University Centre. The walk, along the shoreline of the Adriatic Sea, is very pleasant and often stimulating for chatting with other participants. The weather in Dubrovnik is usually mild and pleasant in this time of the year. The Hotel LERO offers participants the following prices in EUR (at present rate 1 EUR equals approx. 0.88 US$):
bed / breakfast     half board
SINGLE 34.00 40.00
DOUBLE (per person) 25.00 30.00
with the daily sojourn tax of 1.10 EUR.

The supplement for full board is 9.00 EUR.

All rooms in Hotel LERO are built as double, and may be rented as single. It is convenient to share the room, and you may indicate your roommate. A block of rooms is reserved there.

On Thursday, October 3, we have planned a dinner at Hotel LERO. All registered participants and accompanying persons are invited to this dinner, for which there will be no additional fee.

We do not have finances to be able to cover your expenses. We hope that you will be able to arrange support from your university or other sources. There will be a 100 EUR registration fee, payable at the conference.
An on line registration form is avaliable at:

In case you do not intend to give a talk, or do not have the title yet, put "Just registering" or "No title yet" into the 'Title of presentation' field, and fill in the other data: 'Speaker'- meaning the participant, 'Affiliation', 'Email', 'Message to organizer' containing data concerning the accommodation. Later, you can change this by filling in a new application with all the data, including 'Title', 'Abstract', etc. This new application will replace the old one.

In case you have any difficulties regarding your application and/or submitting your abstract, please contact Sime Ungar, preferably by e-mail.

Invited speakers and participants intending to contribute a shorter talk, should submit their abstracts, which should not exceed 200 words, at

Abstracts received by August 31, 2002, will be distributed in printed form to conference participants. The submitted abstracts can be viewed at
Ivan Ivansic
Faculty of Electrical Eng. & Comp.
University of Zagreb
P.O.Box 148
10 001 Zagreb
James E. Keesling
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida
P.O.Box 118105
Gainesville, FL 32611
Alexander N. Dranishnikov
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida
P.O.Box 118105
Gainesville, FL 32611
Sime Ungar
Department of Mathematics
University of Zagreb
Bijenicka 30
10 000 Zagreb

Back to Home Page Invited Speakers Participants with Links to Abstracts View Abstracts Submitted at Yorku

Last update: April 17, 2002