Janez Štalec
Osnovni podaci > Bibliografija > Sažeci radova objavljeni u zbornicima skupova

Sažeci radova objavljeni u zbornicima skupova

  1. Mejovšek M., L. Pavičić, J. Štalec and K. Ivančević: Prediction of inertial properties of human body. 1st International Sports Dialogue, Abstarcts, Dubrovnik 1983, p. 16, 1983.
  2. Momirović K., F. Ambrožič, D. Ban, R. Gospodnetić, L. Pavičić, M. Pedalo, I. Semenov and J. Štalec: Information system of top-level sports. 1st International Sports Dialogue, Abstarcts, Dubrovnik 1983, p. 12, 1983.
  3. Rezaković Dž., J. Štalec and L. Pavičić: Acute and chronic efficacy of nitroglycerin patches in stable angina pectoris. Nitrates Symposium, Abstract book, Salzburg 1985, p. 26, 1985.
  4. Počakal D., J. Štalec: Preliminary statistical analysis of hail characteristics parameters measured with hailpads in the hail-protected western part of Croatia. ECSS 2004 – Abstracts. Leon, 2004.
  5. Počakal, D.; J. Štalec: Five-year results and statistical analysis of hail parameters for two different seeded areas in western part of Croatia measured with hailpads. ECSS 2007- Abstracts. Trst, 2007.