Janez Štalec
Osnovni podaci > Bibliografija > Radovi objavljeni u CC časopisima

Radovi objavljeni u CC časopisima

  1. Rezaković Dž., A. Bloch, D. Rutishauser, L. Pavičić and J. Štalec: Effets hemodynamiques du dinitrate d'isosorbide intraveneux dans l'infarctus myocardique aigu. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, Journal Suisse de Medicine. 112 (48): 1729-1735, 1982 Nov 27.
  2. Rezaković Dž., S. Lakatoš, J. Štalec and L. Pavičić, Acute and chronic efficacy of low-dose nitroglycerin patches in stable angina pectoris. Zeitschrift fur Kardiologie, 75 suppl.3: 90-95, 1986.
  3. Rezaković E. Dž. and J. Štalec: Acute and chronic efficacy of 10 mg nitro-glycerin patch in stable angina pectoris. The American Journal of Cardiology, 61 (9) 52E-58E, 1988 Mar 25.
  4. Rezaković Dž., V. Goldner, Z. Batinić, M. Weiss, J. Štalec and L. Pavičić: Intravenous isosorbide-5-mononitrate in the treatment of acute myocardial infraction. The American Journal of Cardiology, 65 (21) 50J - 56J, 1990 Jun 4.
  5. Rezaković Dž., M. Popadić, G. Popović, L. Pavičić and J. Štalec: Hemodynamic mechanisms of the effect of nitroglycerin in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Cardiology. 79 Suppl 2:70-7, 1991.
  6. Počakal D., J. Štalec: Statistical analysis of hail characteristics in the hail-protected western part of Croatia using data from hail suppression stations. Elsevier. Athmospheric Research, vol. 67-68 (July-Sept) (2002), 533-540.
  7. Viskić-Štalec N., J. Štalec, R. Katić, Đ. Podvorac, D. Katović: The impact of dance-aerobics training on the morpho-motor status in female high-schoolers. // Collegium Antropologicum. 31 (2007) , 1; 259-266.
  8. Počakal D., Ž. Večenaj, J. Štalec: Hail characteristics of different regions in continental part od Croatia based on influence of  orography.  Atmospheric Research. vol. 93 (2009) , 1/3 (S.I.); 516-525.