Heap storage should be reclaimed using the DEALLOCATE statement:
As a matter of course, the LOGICAL valued intrinsic inquiry function, ALLOCATED, should be used to check on the status of the array before attempting to DEALLOCATE because it is an error to attempt to deallocate an array that has not previously been allocated space or one which does not have the ALLOCATE attribute. Again one should only supply one array per DEALLOCATE statement and the optional STAT= field should always be used. ierr holds a value that reports on the success / failure of the DEALLOCATE request in an analogous way to the ALLOCATE statement.
Memory leakage will occur
if a procedure containing an allocatable array (which does not possess
the SAVE attribute) is exited without the array being
The storage associated with this array becomes inaccessible for the
whole of the life of the program.
Consider the following sorting program which can handle any number of items,
PROGRAM sort_any_number !---------------------------------------------------------! ! Read numbers into an array, sort into ascending order ! ! and display the sorted list ! !---------------------------------------------------------! INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nums INTEGER :: temp, I, K, n_to_sort, ierr PRINT*, 'How many numbers to sort' READ*, n_to_sort ALLOCATE( nums(1:n_to_sort), STAT=ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN PRINT*, "nums: Allocation request denied" STOP ! halts execution END IF PRINT*, 'Type in ',n_to_sort, 'values one line at a time' DO I=1,n_to_sort READ*, nums(I) END DO DO I = 1, n_to_sort-1 DO K = I+1, n_to_sort IF(nums(I) > nums(K)) THEN temp = nums(K) ! Store in temporary location nums(K) = nums(I) ! Swap the contents over nums(I) = temp END IF END DO END DO DO I = 1, n_to_sort PRINT*, 'Rank ',I,' value is ',nums(I) END DO IF (ALLOCATED(nums)) DEALLOCATE(nums, STAT=ierr) IF (ierr .NE. 0) THEN PRINT*, "nums: Deallocation request denied" END IF END PROGRAM sort_any_number
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