- ...
- HPF is intended for
programming distributed memory machines
and introduced ``directives'' (Fortran 90 structured comments) to give hints
on how to distribute data
(arrays) amongst grids of (non-homogeneous) processors. The idea is to
relieve the programmer of the burden of writing explicit
message-passing code; the compilation system does this instead.
HPF also introduced a small number of executable statements (parallel
assignments, side effect free (PURE) procedures) which have
been adopted by Fortran 95.
- ...
- Dyadic means
``takes two operands''.
- ...
- ``takes one operand''.
- ...
- ``takes two operands''.
- ...
- It seem
to be a common misconception that Fortran loops always
have to be executed once - this came from FORTRAN 66 and is now
totally incorrect. Zero executed
loops are useful for programming degenerate cases.
- ...
- Note
how the DO variable can be greater than < expr2 >.
- ...manipulation
- There is no BIT data type but intrinsics
exist for manipulating integers as if they were
bit variables.
- ...
- lda is either
a PARAMETER or a dummy argument.
- ...
- This makes passing
arrays to a procedure written in a different language very
difficult indeed
- ...
- The correct
vector equivalent to the original DO-loop can
be achieved by using the SUM intrinsic,
A(2:15) = (/ (SUM(1:i), i=2,15) /)
- ...
- This constraint will be relaxed in Fortran 95.
- ...
- This constraint will be relaxed
in Fortran 95.
- ...
- The NAg library
deals with solving numerical problems and is ideal for
engineers and scientists. fl90, the NAg Fortran 90 Mk I library, has just been
as a successor to the well respected and popular FORTRAN 77 library which
at least 1140 routines.
- ...
- There is an auxiliary Fortran 90 standard known as the ``Varying
String'' module. This is to be added to the Fortran 95 standard and will allow
users to define and use objects of type VARYING_STRING where
CHARACTER objects would normally be used. The Standard has already been
realised in a module (by Lawrie Schonfelder at Liverpool University).
All the intrinsic operations and functions for character variables have be
overloaded so that VARYING_STRING
objects can be used in more or less the same way as other intrinsic types.
- ...
- Using COMMON to achieve this is strongly
discouraged as this
method of global data declaration is considered to be unsafe, obtuse and
- ...
- The PURE specifier will be
part of the Fortran 95 language.
- ...
- the INTENT attribute should also
be given (this has not been covered yet see
Section 13.7 for details.)
- ...
was an extension to FORTRAN 77 and literally included a specified file at the
appropriate place in the code.
- ...
- If the
objects are not static then it must be ensured that at
least one use of the module is always in operation - this usually means
using it in the main program. If the objects are not static and the
module is only used in two separate subroutines that are called directly
by the main program then the data will disappear after the first use
goes out of scope and be redeclared when the second is entered. (This
can actually be useful for declaring an identical set of local objects in a
number of independent procedures.)
- ...
- A COMMON block names a
specific area of
memory and splits it up into areas that
can be referred to as scalar or array objects, for a single
COMMON block it is possible to specify a different partition of data
objects each time the block is accessed, each partition can be referred
to by any type, in other words the storage can be automatically retyped
and repartitioned with gay abandon - this leads to all sorts of
insecurities. Putting the block in a MODULE removes any possibility of
the above type of misuse.
- ...
- the
bits are counted from right to left
- ...
- There are other less important specifiers which
are not covered here.
- ...Data
- for example, the Cray T3D.
- ...Data
- for example, ICL DAP
- ...erroneous
- I have not yet found a compiler
that checks this constraint!
- ...Vienna
- major players in the HPFF.
- ...association
- This means that for an assumed-size array
element A(i+1) occupies the previous memory location to
this is clearly not true for an HPF program; A(i) and A(i+1)
well be on separate processors - they could feasible even be on opposite
sides of the world! HPF programs should not use any sequence associated
- ...smart
- which, currently, most
are not!
- ...grid
- Recall that all
processor arrangements in a single HPF program must contain the same
number of
- ...program
- Processor subsets are to be included in HPF2.
- ...mapping
- A compiler is
at liberty to supply a default (or
implicit) mapping for arrays without explicit mapping directives.