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CYCLIC Distribution

Deal out elements of an array to processors in a round robin fashion

        PROGRAM Round_Robin
         REAL, DIMENSION(20)      :: A

Figure 35: Visualisation of CYCLIC Distribution

If an array, A has tex2html_wrap_inline29362 elements and is mapped onto tex2html_wrap_inline29364 processors each processor gets (a maximum) total of tex2html_wrap29356 separate elements. See Figure 35.

As in the previous section, each processor gets five elements, but this time a different set of elements are received. The elements are dished out in a round-robin fashion starting from processor 1. The diagram indicates the elements that each processor is given.

The formula for the maximum number of elements that a processor can receive is the same as for BLOCK distribution.

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Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997
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