We can also encapsulate the stack program,
MODULE stack IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: stack_size = 100 INTEGER, SAVE :: store(stack_size), pos = 0 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE push(i) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i IF (pos < stack_size) THEN pos = pos + 1; store(pos) = i ELSE STOP 'Stack Full error' END IF END SUBROUTINE push SUBROUTINE pop(i) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: i IF (pos > 0) THEN i = store(pos); pos = pos - 1 ELSE STOP 'Stack Empty error' END IF END SUBROUTINE pop END MODULE stack
all aspects of the stack are now defined in one place -- the module provides all declarations, access functions and storage to implement a simple integer stack.
Any program unit that includes the line:
USE stackcan access pop and push therefore use the stack.
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