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Encapsulation Example

The following program has the subroutines sub1 and sub2 encapsulated into the module,

    MODULE related_procedures
     ! not need to be specified they are 
     ! 'already present'
     SUBROUTINE sub1(A,B,C)
      ! Can see Sub2's INTERFACE
     SUBROUTINE sub2(time,dist)
      ! Can see Sub1's INTERFACE
    END MODULE related_procedures

    PROGRAM use_of_module
     USE related_procedures
     CALL sub1((/1.0,3.141,0.57112/),2,'Yobot')
     CALL sub2(t,d)
    END PROGRAM use_of_module

the interfaces of all module procedures are visible to all other modules procedures in the same module, this means, sub1 can call sub2 or vice versa and there is no need for any additional INTERFACE declarations to be typed in.

Consider the following erroneous code,

    MODULE Schmodule
      LOGICAL FUNCTION bool(y,z)
       INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: y, z
       bool = .FALSE.
       IF (y > z) bool = .TRUE.
      END FUNCTION bool
      SUBROUTINE subby(x,y,z)
       INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: y, z 
       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: x
! next line is error
       LOGICAL :: bool
       if ( bool(y,z) ) x = 1
      END SUBROUTINE subby
    END MODULE Schmodule

Both procedures are visible to one another by host association so in subby the intention of declaring the other module procedure is misguided. The LOGICAL FUNCTION bool is already visible to subby but due to the declaration is superseded by a local LOGICAL object called bool. When the module is compiled a complaint is made that the external function bool is missing.

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Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997
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