Ivan Krijan, PhD


Teaching (in Croatian)



  1. T. Gužvić, I. Krijan, B. Vukorepa, Torsion groups of elliptic curves over Q(zeta_(p^oo)).
    In preparation.
  2. T. Gužvić, I. Krijan, Torsion groups of elliptic curves over some infinite abelian extensions of Q.
    In preparation.
    PDF, arXiv, magma code
  3. M. Chou, H. B. Daniels, I. Krijan, F. Najman, Torsion of elliptic curves over Zp extensions of Q.
    PDF, arXiv, magma code

Lectures on conferences:

  1. Torsion groups of elliptic curves over infinite Abelian extensions of Q. Barcelona Fall Workshop on Number Theory II, Barcelona, Spain, 04.-07. 12. 2019.
  2. Torsion groups of elliptic curves over Zp-extensions of Q. Representation Theory XVI, Number Theory Section, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24.-29. 06. 2019.


  1. Member of Executive Board of Croatian Mathematical Society, 2020. - .
  2. Member of Seminar on Number Theory and Algebra, 2016. - .
  3. Member of Croatian committee for high school competitions in mathematics, 2016. - .
  4. Member of Croatian committee for international mathematical competitions, 2015. - .
  5. Member of Unitary Representations and Automorphic Forms Seminar, 2013. - 2016.
  6. One of the founders and member of Young Gifted Mathematicians Marin Getaldić, 2008. - 2013.

Theses (in Croatian):

  1. I. Krijan, Torzija eliptičkih krivulja nad beskonačnim Abelovim proširenjima od Q.
    Doktorski rad, 20.04.2020.
    PDF, Summarry.
  2. I. Krijan, Reprezentacije klasičnih konačnih grupa.
    Diplomski rad, 05.07.2013.
    PDF, Summarry.
  3. I. Krijan, Multipliciteti presjeka ravninskih krivulja.
    Rad nagrađen Rektorovom nagradom, 20.06.2013.
    PDF, Summarry.


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