Boris Guljaš



about me



List of scientific papers and scientific projects


Scientific papers:

1. B.Guljaš,  Hilbert c*-modules in which all relatively strictly closed submodules are complemented,  Glasnik Matematički Vol. 56(76)(2021), 343 – 374.

2. B.Guljaš, Orthogonal complementing in Hilbert c*-modules, Ann. Funct. Anal. 10 (2019), no. 2, 196-202.

3. B.Guljaš, Unbounded operators on Hilbert C*-modules over C*-algebras of compact operators, Journal of operator theory, 59:1(2008), 101-114.

4. D. Bakić, B. Guljaš, Extensions of Hilbert C*-modules, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 30 (2) (2004), 537-558.

5. D. Bakić, B. Guljaš, Extensions of Hilbert C*-modules II, Glasnik Matematički,  38(2)(2003), 341-357.

6. D. Bakić, B. Guljaš, Wigner's theorem in a class of Hilbert C*-modules, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 44(5) (2003), 2186-2191.

7. D. Bakić, B. Guljaš,  On a class of module maps of Hilbert C*-modules,  Mathematical Communications, 7(2002) No.~20, 177-192.

8. D. Bakić and B.Guljaš, Wigner's theorem in Hilbert C*-modules over C*-algebras of compact operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130(8)(2002), 2343-2349.

9. D. Bakić and B.Guljaš, Hilbert modules over C*-algebras of compact operators, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 68(2002), 249-269.

10. D. Bakić and B.Guljaš, Operators on Hilbert H*-modules, Journal of operator theory, 46(2001), 123-141.

11. B.Guljaš, C.E.M.Pearce and J.Pečarić, On the extended reversed Meir inequality,  Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications.. 3 (2001) , 3; 243-247.

12. D. Bakić and B.Guljaš,  A note on compact operators and operator matrices, Mathematical Communications 4(1999),159-165.

13. D. Bakić and B.Guljaš, Which operators approximately annihilate orthonormal basis, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 64(1998), 601-607.

14. B.Guljaš, C.E.M.Pearce and J.Pečarić, Jensen's inequality for distributions possessing higher moments, with application to sharp bounds for Laplace-Stieltjes transforms , Journal of the Australian Math. Soc., Series B: Applied Mathematics, 40(1998), 80-85.

15. B.Guljaš, C.E.M.Pearce and J.Pečarić, An inequality for probability density functions arising from a distinguishability problem, Journal of the Australian Math. Soc., Series B: Applied Mathematics, 39(1998), 350-354.

16. B.Guljaš, C.E.M.Pearce and J.Pečarić, Some inequalities related to Hölder's inequality, Revue Roumaine de Mathemtiques Pures et Apliquess, Vol. 42,No. 3-4 (1997), 273-279.

17. M.Crnjac, B.Guljaš and H.I.Miller, A positive answer to a question about the Cantor set, Real Analysis Exchange, Vol. 22(1), 1996/97, pp 213-224.

18. B.Guljaš, C.E.M.Pearce and J.Pečarić, Some generalizations of the Beckenbach - Dresher inequality, Houston Journal of Mathematics , Vol. 22, No. 3 (1996), 629-638.

19. B.Guljaš, Convergence of discrete quasi-Newton methods, Functional analysis IV, Dubrovnik 1993,  Aarhus Universitet Var. Publ. Ser. No 43, Nov. 1994, pp.85-104.

20. B.Guljaš, Quasi-Newton methods for multipoint discretization of function, Berichte der mathematisch-statistischen sektion Graz Nr. 323 (1994), pp. 43-50.

21. M.Crnjac, B.Guljaš and H.I.Miller, On some questions of Ger, Grubb and Kraljević, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Budapest, ( Vol.2, 1991.).

22. M.Crnjac, B.Guljaš and H.I.Miller, On a question of H.Kraljević, Aequationes Mathematicae 39 (1990) 55-67.

23. B.Guljaš, One point Newton type iterative processes and iterated contractors, Glasnik matematički 24 (1989), pp. 181-210.

24. B.Guljaš, Some questions on sum of sets, Berichte der mathematisch-statistischen sektion Graz Nr. (1989).

25. B.Guljaš, Some convergence properties of rank-one quasi-Newton methods, Glasnik matematički 23 (1988), pp.417-446.

26. B.Guljaš, Generalized contractor and equations in Banach spaces, Berichte der mathematisch-statistischen sektion Graz Nr. 247 (1985), 1-11.

27. B.Guljaš, Newton's method and round-off errors, Glasnik mate-matički 18 (1983), pp.179-185.

Scientific projects:

1. Funkctional analiysis  (investigator - project closed)

2.  Inequality and applications  (investigator - project closed)

3. Hilbert modules and operator spaces  (principal investigator - project closed)

4. Hilbert C*-modules and  applications  (principal investigator - project closed)


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This site was last updated 01/29/09