Infinite families of elliptic curves with high rank and prescribed torsion

Maintained by Andrej Dujella, University of Zagreb

Let T be an admissible torsion group for an elliptic curve over the rationals. Define

G(T) = sup {rank E(Q(t)) : torsion group of elliptic curve E over Q(t) is T},

C(T) = lim sup {rank E(Q) : torsion group of elliptic curve E over Q is T}.

In the following two tables the best known lower bounds for G(T) and C(T) are given. If C(T) > G(T), it means that the current record for C(T) comes from a parametrization by rational points of some elliptic curves with positive rank.


    T         G(T)>=             Author(s)

    0           18        Elkies (2006) 
   Z/2Z         11        Elkies (2009), Dujella - Peral (2023)
   Z/3Z          7        Elkies (2007), Eroshkin (2023)
   Z/4Z          6        Dujella - Peral (2022) 		 
   Z/5Z          4        Eroshkin (2020)
   Z/6Z          3        Lecacheux (2001), Kihara (2006), Eroshkin (2008), Woo (2008), 
                          Dujella - Peral (2012,2020), MacLeod (2014,2015), Voznyy (2021)	 	 
   Z/7Z          1        Kulesz (1998), Lecacheux (2003), Rabarison (2008), 
                          Harrache (2009), MacLeod (2014)
   Z/8Z          2        Dujella - Peral (2012), MacLeod (2013), 
                          Dujella - Kazalicki - Peral (2021) 
   Z/9Z          0        Kubert (1976)
   Z/10Z         0        Kubert (1976)  
   Z/12Z         0        Kubert (1976)
Z/2Z × Z/2Z      7        Elkies (2007)
Z/2Z × Z/4Z      4        Dujella - Peral (2012)
Z/2Z × Z/6Z      2        Dujella - Peral (2012,2015,2017), MacLeod (2013), 
                          Dujella - Kazalicki - Peral (2021) 
Z/2Z × Z/8Z      0        Kubert (1976) 


    T         C(T)>=             Author(s)

    0           19        Elkies (2006) 
   Z/2Z         11        Elkies (2007,2009), Dujella - Peral (2023)
   Z/3Z          8        Eroshkin (2023)
   Z/4Z          6        Elkies (2007), Dujella - Peral (2021,2022)		 
   Z/5Z          4        Eroshkin (2009)
   Z/6Z          5        Eroshkin (2009)	 	 
   Z/7Z          2        Lecacheux (2003), Elkies (2006), Rabarison (2008), Harrache (2009), 
                          Voznyy (2022), Youmbai (2024)
   Z/8Z          3        Dujella - Peral (2012), Dujella - Kazalicki - Peral (2021) 
   Z/9Z          1        Atkin - Morain (1993), Kulesz (1998), Rabarison (2008), 
                          Gasull - Manosa - Xarles (2010), Youmbai (2024)
   Z/10Z         1        Atkin - Morain (1993), Kulesz (1998), Rabarison (2008), Voznyy (2021)
   Z/12Z         1        Suyama (1985), Kulesz (1998), Rabarison (2008), 
			  Halbeisen - Hungerbühler - Shamsi Zargar - Voznyy (2021)
Z/2Z × Z/2Z      8        Elkies (2007)
Z/2Z × Z/4Z      5        Eroshkin (2009)
Z/2Z × Z/6Z      3        Dujella - Peral (2013), Dujella - Kazalicki - Peral (2021)
Z/2Z × Z/8Z      1        Atkin - Morain (1993), Kulesz (1998), Lecacheux (2002), 
                          Campbell - Goins (2003), Rabarison (2008) 	 	


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Old version of this tables (2006)

High rank elliptic curves with prescribed torsion

History of elliptic curves rank records

High rank elliptic curves with prescribed torsion over quadratic fields