Centre for Nolinear Dynamics assembles researchers from two Faculties of the University of Zagreb: Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics; and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.
We focus on various areas of pure and applied nonlinear dynamics and differential equations.
Siniša Slijepčević gives a talk at International conference on transport and diffusion in dynamical systems, 28-31 August 2016, São Carlos, Brazil.
Sinisa Slijepčević is included among invited speakers for the following conference: The Dynamics of Complex Systems: A meeting in honour of the 60th birthday of Robert MacKay FRS (FRS = Fellow of Royal Society), 18-20 May 2016, Mathematics Institute, Warwick, United Kingdom.
Davor Dragičević (joint work with L. Barreira and C. Valls): Spectral theory under nonuniform hyperbolicity [PDF], 59th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Flinders University, Adelaide, September 29, 2015
Siniša Slijepčević had the honor to participate with invited lecture at the conference Infinite-dimensional dynamics, dissipative systems, and attractors held at the the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation, July 13-17, 2015. The title of his talk was:
Infinite-dimensional dynamics, dissipative systems and attractors [PDF], included among selected presentations.
Braslav Rabar participated at the same conference with the following lecture: Invariant measures and attractors of non-autonomous Frenkel-Kontorova model, [PDF]
Vesna Županović participated at the EquaDiff 2015 Conference in Lyon, France (6-10 July 2015), with her talk: Characteristic box dimension of Poincaré map of nilpotent focus.
Domagoj Vlah participated at the same conference with his poster: Oscillatory Integrals and Fractal Dimension.
Darko Žubrinić and Goran Radunović participated at the international conference Fractals and Related Fields III, Porquerolles, France, 19-25 September 2015:
Darko Žubrinić (joint work with Michel L. Lapidus and Goran Radunović): Lapidus zeta functions of fractal sets and their residues, 20 min. lecture [PDF]
Goran Radunović (joint work with Michel L. Lapidus and Darko Žubrinić): Tube formulas for relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces via Lapidus zeta functions, poster [PDF]
Darko Žubrinić, University of Zagreb, with Professor Claude Tricot, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, distinguished expert in Fractal Analysis. Behind them on the left is Professor Stephan Jaffard, Université Paris-Est, distinguished expert in Wavelet Theory and Multifractal Analysis.
Goran Radunović, University of Zagreb, describes some of his results to Professor Kenneth Falconer, University of St. Andrews, distinguished expert in Fractal Analysis, author of classical monographs in this field. On the left Dr. Sabrina Kombrink, University of Luebeck.
Theoretical and computational methods in dynamical systems and fractal geometry, University of Maribor, Slovenia, 7 April 2015 - 11 April 2015
Invited speakers with 45 min. lectures: Maja Resman, Siniša Slijepčević, Domagoj Vlah, Darko Žubrinić, Vesna Županović
Siniša Slijepčević: Description of two-dimensional attractors of some dissipative infinite-dimensional dynamical systems
Maja Resman: Classiffcations of parabolic germs and epsilon-neighborhoods of orbits
The lecture by Vesna Županović has been announced by Polish mathematician Henryk Žoladek, distinguished international expert in Dynamical Systems.
Vesna Županović: Fractal analysis of bifurcations of dynamical systems
Darko Žubrinić: Lapidus zeta functions and applications
Domagoj Vlah: Fractal analysis of oscillatory solutions of a class of ordinary differential equations including the Bessel equation
On 3rd April 2015 Maja Resman delivered a lecture Classifications of parabolic germs and fractal properties of orbits at the conference Perspectives on Parabolic Points in Holomorphic Dynamics organized in Banff, Canada. Her 50 min. lecture is available as a video at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Research and Discovery.
Maja Resman in Canada, on the left, with distinguished international experts from Canada, France, USA, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, Sweden, Brazil and the Netherlands.
Sonja Štimac is among the organizers of the following International conferences:
On 25th March 2015, Goran Radunović defended his PhD thesis under the guidance of Professors Michel L. Lapidus (University of California, Riverside) and Darko Žubrinić (University of Zagreb).
New projects!
Sonja Štimac: Dynamics of Henon and Lozi maps, Newfelpro project 2014-2017
Vesna Županović: Classification de points fixes et de singularités à l'aide d'epsilon-voisinages d'orbites et de courbes, Cogito project 2015-2016
Maja Resman awarded a prize! Maja Resman is a winner of the BERND AULBACH PRIZE 2014 FOR PhD STUDENTS. The Aulbach Prize for PhD Students is awarded for young scientist's significant contributions to the areas of difference equations and/or discrete dynamical systems. She received the award on Septemebr 7th 2014 during the European Advanced Studies Conference 2014 Symposium on Differential Equations and Difference Equations 2014, 5-8th September 2014 – in Homburg/Saar, Germany. Her mentor Professor Pavao Mardešić, Univesité de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, was also present there (more info). Congratulations Maja!
Joint research of Darko Žubrinić, Goran Radunović and Michel L. Lapidus, to be included in the presentation "NSF Research Highlights in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences". It is a honour and recognition of a high quality of their joint research, and will ensure further visibility of their results. It will also be presented as a Plenary talk on the conference Fractal Geometry and Stochastics, Jena, Germany. More info here! Congratulations Darko and Goran!
Sonja Štimac a plenary speaker! Sonja will give a plenary lecture at the 48th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, one of the leading international events in the field of topological dynamics.
Dynamics Days 2014, Geogia Tech, Atlanta lecture, given by Sinisa Slijepčević, can be found here.
Recent progress in the study of Extended Dynamical Systems: A series of papers by Siniša Slijepčević, partly a joint work with Thierry Gallay, has recently appeared or been accepted in the leading journals Nonlinearity, Discrete and Cont. Dyn. Systems A, Journal of Dynamics and Diff. Equations, and Communications in PDE.
A recently accepted paper by Lana Horvat-Dmitrović, to appear in Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, can be found here.
Geometric, Ergodic and Topological Analysis of Low-dimensional Dynamical Systems
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