Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Ekonomski fakultet raspisuje
za izbor u suradničko zvanje i na radno mjesto:
dva izvršitelja (m/ž) u suradničko zvanje i na radno mjesto asistenta u znanstvenom području društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija ili u znanstvenom području prirodnih znanosti, polje matematika na Katedri za matematiku, na određeno vrijeme, u punom radnom vremenu
Pristupnici (m/ž) na natječaj za izbor u suradničko zvanje i na radno mjesto asistenta, uz opće uvjete za zasnivanje radnog odnosa utvrđenih Zakonom o radu (NN br. 93/14., 127/17. i 98/19.), trebaju ispunjavati uvjete propisane Zakonom o znanstvenoj djelatnosti i visokom obrazovanju (Narodne novine, 123/03., 198/03., 105/04., 174/04., 2/07., 46/07., 45/09., 63/11., 94/13., 139/13., 101/14., 60/15. i 131/17) te sljedeće obvezne uvjete:
završen preddiplomski sveučilišni i diplomski sveučilišni studij ili integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski sveučilišni studij čijim završetkom se stječe 300 ECTS bodova i akademski naziv magistar matematike odnosno završen dodiplomski sveučilišni studij čijim završetkom se stječe stručni naziv diplomirani inženjer matematike
ukupan prosjek ocjena 4,0 tijekom studija, a ako kandidat ima niži prosjek potrebno je priložiti pismenu preporuku dva sveučilišna profesora.
Pristupnici (m/ž) na natječaj na radna mjesta dužni su uz pisanu prijavu na natječaj priložiti:
dokaz o završenom odgovarajućem sveučilišnom studiju
dokaz o ukupnom prosjeku ocjena studiranja prema uvjetima za upis na poslijediplomski sveučilišni (doktorski) studij Ekonomskog fakulteta – Zagreb (preslik dopunske isprave o završenom preddiplomskom sveučilišnom i diplomskom sveučilišnom studiju ili integriranom preddiplomskom i diplomskom sveučilišnom studiju – diploma supplement)
uvjerenje o nekažnjavanju ne starije od 6 mjeseci
domovnicu ili dokaz o državljanstvu druge države, a strani državljani dužni su priložiti i dokaz o znanju hrvatskog jezika (napredna razina) u skladu sa Zajedničkim europskim referentnim okvirom za jezike (B2) za strane državljane.
Za pristupnike (m/ž) koji ispunjavaju tražene uvjete natječaja i koji su pravodobno dostavili potpunu i pravovaljanu dokumentaciju, provest će se testiranje znanja engleskog jezika.
Pristupnik (m/ž) koji ima pravo prednosti kod prijma u radni odnos prema posebnom zakonu dužan je u prijavi na natječaj pozvati se na to pravo, priložiti dokaze o tom statusu i ima prednost u odnosu na ostale pristupnike samo pod jednakim uvjetima.
Pristupnici (m/ž) koji imaju pravo na prednost pri zapošljavanju sukladno članku 102. Zakona o hrvatskim braniteljima iz Domovinskog rata i članovima njihovih obitelji (Narodne novine, broj 121/17 i 98/19), uz prijavu na javni natječaj dužni su, osim dokaza o ispunjavanju traženih uvjeta, priložiti i sve potrebne dokaze dostupne na poveznici Ministarstva branitelja.
Rok za prijavu na natječaj je 30 dana od posljednje objave natječaja (15. prosinca 2021).
Prijave na natječaj šalju se poštom – preporučeno ili dostavljaju osobno na adresu: Ekonomski fakultet – Zagreb, Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6, 10000 Zagreb (Urudžbeni ured).
Zakašnjele prijave i prijave bez dokaza o ispunjavanju traženih uvjeta neće se razmatrati.
Prijavom na natječaj pristupnici (m/ž) pristaju da Ekonomski fakultet – Zagreb koristi i dalje obrađuje osobne podatke navedene u prijavi na natječaj te dokumentaciji dostavljenoj s prijavom u svrhu provedbe natječajnog postupka u skladu s odredbama Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka EU 2016/679.
U svakom trenutku pristupnici (m/ž) mogu zatražiti prestanak daljnje obrade svojih osobnih podataka, odnosno njihovo brisanje slanjem zahtjeva na adresu elektroničke pošte
Pristupnici (m/ž) će u zakonskom roku biti obaviješteni o rezultatima natječaja na mrežnoj stranici Fakulteta.
There is an open PhD position at the University of Copenhagen from
on the topic of formally verifying a data stream processing framework.
Please see the official ad for more details and instructions on how to apply.
The application deadline is .
The position is funded by a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Familiarity with proof assistants is a big plus.
In-person School on Verification Technology, Systems and Applications (VTSA 2021)
The school on verification technology, systems & applications focuses on fundamental aspects of verification techniques,
their implementation, and their use for concrete applications. It is organized by Inria Nancy,
the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik in Saarbrücken, and the Universities of Liege and of Luxembourg, and will take place at the
University of Liege, Belgium, from to .
The following speakers have agreed to lecture at the school:
Gilles Audemard:
SAT solver essentials, SAT modeling and algorithms
Cezara Dragoi:
Towards automated verification of fault-tolerant distributed systems
Christoph Haase:
Linear arithmetic theories: theory and applications
Leslie Lamport:
Josef Widder:
Consensus in distributed systems
Participation in the school is free to anybody holding at least a
bachelor degree or equivalent; it includes the lectures, coffee and
lunch breaks, and a school dinner. Attendance is limited to 40
participants. Please apply electronically by sending an email including
a one-page CV,
an application letter explaining your interest in the school and your experience in the area, and the question to Leslie Lamport (see below),
a copy of your bachelor certificate (or equivalent or a more significant certificate),
a short statement if you want to contribute to the student session.
We are very happy that Leslie Lamport (Turing Award 2013) will be present for a discussion at VTSA 2021.
We ask every applicant to watch his talk "If you're Not Writing a Program Don't Use a Programming Language"
and think about one question that they would like to ask during this discussion with Leslie Lamport.
Please provide this question in your application letter.
The deadline for application is .
Notification of acceptance will be given by .
There is still some uncertainty with the current sanitary crisis.
Please check the traveling rules for Belgium that apply to you.
As for now, fully vaccinated people from EU are allowed to travel to Belgium without quarantine,
but filling a PLF is required.
If the school cannot happen in person, it will be canceled (and rescheduled when the situation gets clear).
We are looking for a researcher to strengthen our Safety & Security team at fortiss, a research institute in Munich with close connections both to the Munich universities TUM and LMU and to industry.
The Safety & Security team develops new methods and engineering principles
related to safety and security in software and system development. Example
areas of interest include:
Automated reasoning for safety/security-engineering
Security aspects of distributed systems, such as accountability and privacy
Formal semantics, verification, and analysis of access control systems
Program analysis and type systems
The position is available starting as soon as possible and will be for at least two years initially, with the possibility of extension. You would be a team member contributing to our research in one of the above areas. Applications from candidates with skills in related areas are also welcome.
As part of a strategic expansion, the School of Computer Science
at the University of Nottingham is seeking to make multiple new
appointments at the Assistant Professor
or Associate Professor level.
The adverts mention some specific research areas, but the positions are
open to applicants from any area of Computer Science.
Applications in the area of the Functional Programming (FP) lab
are strongly encouraged! The FP lab is keen to receive applications
from candidates with an excellent publication record (e.g. papers
in leading venues such as LICS, POPL, ICFP, JFP, TOPLAS, etc) and
the ability to secure external funding to support their research.
The deadline for applications is .
Graham Hutton and Thorsten Altenkirch
Full-time faculty position in Brussels
The computer science department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is offering a full-time position as professor to reinforce its programming languages and software engineering branch within the subject area of "Static security guarantees for programming languages".
“Static security guarantees for programming languages”
You will be offered a tenure track appointment, for an assignment of 1 FTE, for 5 years, with eligibility for tenure in the rank of associate professor (or higher) by the end of this initial period, with planned starting date .
The deadline for applying is . Applications should reach us through the website. The person to contact for further information is:
Prof. dr. Wolfgang De Meuter at or on +02/2629.34.81.
For this function, our Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus (Elsene) will serve as your home base.
Fixed-term research position at Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe: Formal verification of Floating-Point Unit
Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe (MERCE) is opening one fixed-term/post-doctoral research position (12 months) in the city of Rennes (France).
The research position focuses on the formal verification of domain-specific floating-point units and the formalization of hardware description languages (VHDL…) using proof assistants.
Recent compilers and architectures generally declare themselves compatible with the IEEE-754 standard. Nonetheless, it has been noticed that some of them may lead to different results for identical floating-point computations. Formal development efforts have been made to increase confidence in floating-point computations. As an example, the Flocq library for the Coq proof assistant provides a formalization of generic floating-point formats.
Our goal is to initiate the Coq development of a whole correct-by-construction domain-specific Floating-Point Unit (FPU). This includes the design of the hardware instructions set, its formal implementation and the verification of its compliance with IEEE-754 high-level properties as formalized in the Flocq library. In order to complete the formalization effort, it would be interesting to investigate the interaction of these hardware instructions with formally-verified compilers. The project scope also includes the verification of lower-level properties of the floating-point-units, e.g. the compliance of the circuits with the floating-point instructions they are intended to execute, taking the inherent parallelism of hardware into account. An approach would be to compare the formalized instructions with RTL/Netlist implementations. Finally, we envision the formal integration of the FPU into a global processor and its verification.
pretpostavljam da nemate previše slobodnog vremena, ali sam ipak slobodan obratiti vam se s jednom molbom.
Kao što možda znate, predavanja na preddiplomskom studiju na Matematičkom odsjeku u akademskoj godini 2020/21. će biti izvođena na način da će dio studenata biti na fakultetu, a ostatak će pratiti od kuće, dok će neka nastava ići u cijelosti na daljinu.
Predavanja će se prenositi iz Predavaonice 003 i Čitaonice (koja će za tu prigodu biti pretvorena u predavaonicu). Za ove prijenose potrebni su nam dežurni studenti-demonstratori. Prema sadašnjem rasporedu očekujem da će se tjedno prenositi između 55 i 66 sati predavanja.
Posao demonstratora je da uključi opremu (računalo, kamera, mikrofon), pokrene neki oblik komunikacije s udaljenim slušačima (Zoom ili Google Hangouts), pokrene prijenos i snimanje, kontrolira je li s prijenosom sve u redu (prateći na chatu eventualne poruke udaljenih slušača) i prenese eventualna pitanja udaljenih slušača.
Odmah nakon završetka predavanja se s lokalnog diska snimaju na server s kojega se kasnije (to je također zadatak demonstratora) postavljaju (upload), najvjerojatnije na Meduzu ( Za sve ovo ću zainteresiranima dati detaljne upute.
Dogovorena satnica za ovaj tip posla je 40kn/sat. Ako ste zainteresirani za ovaj posao, molim da mi javite.
Lijep pozdrav,
Goran Igaly
Studentski posao u firmi Gaurus
Poštovani profesori,
javljam vam se kao bivši student PMF-MO-a, a sadašnji zaposlenik firme Gaurus d.o.o. Tijekom diplomskog studija uvijek sam želio dobiti priliku za studentski posao na kojem bih mogao primijeniti ono što ste me podučavali na fakultetu, a pogotovo matematički pristup u razvoju softvera. Nadam se da i kod sadašnjih studenata postoji slična želja i ambicije pa se nadam da ćete im moći nekim kanalom prenijeti informacije iz ovoga e-maila.
Moja firma sastoji se od 5 zaposlenika (vlasnik, projekt menadžer, tri software developera), od kojih su svi diplomirali na FER-u ili PMF-u. Radimo na nekoliko projekata, u kojima primjenjujemo velik skup raznih tehnologija i modela te nastojimo imati visoku kvalitetu softvera koje razvijamo i održavamo. U svrhu unaprijeđenja i budućnosti firme željeli bismo zaposliti mladog i ambicioznog studenta kojega bismo uveli u naš sustav rada, a kasnije (ako bude postojao obostrani interes) produljili suradnju. Razlog zašto se obraćam upravo vama leži u tome što sam osobno bio iznimno zadovoljan kvalitetom i opsegom znanja koje sam ponio s PMF-a, čemu su puno doprinijela vaša predavanja i vježbe koje sam pohađao, te vjerujem da upravo vaši studenti mogu ispuniti naša očekivanja. Dodatno, u našoj je firmi moguće direktno primijeniti gotovo sve programerske vještine koje se podučavaju na PMF-u, pri čemu naglasak nije primarno na sintaksi jezika, nego na semantici, sposobnosti analiziranja problema i (matematičkom) modeliranju. Budući da nas je malo, cijenimo kreativnost, proaktivnost i sistematičnost u radu.
U našim projektima koristimo sljedeće tehnologije/koncepte koje bi studentima mogle biti zanimljive:
Optimizacija rješenja u smislu pronalaženja minimalne moguće složenosti problema
Unity (platforma za razvoj igara)
Ako imate neke studente koje bi ovo moglo zanimati, molim vas da im proslijedite ovaj e-mail kako bismo mogli stupiti u kontakt.
Ivan Posavčević
Summer fellowship program
ETH, Zürich -- lijep link, nema smisla da ovdje prepisujem tekst :-)
The Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck Pre-doctoral Research School 2019
Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science
August 6-11, 2019; Saarbruecken, Germany
Applications are requested from undergraduate students or Master's
students in computer science, computer engineering, or a related
discipline to The Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck Pre-doctoral Research
School. The third of this new annual series of week-long schools will
focus on emerging research trends in computer science, including
computer systems, heterogeneous architectures, machine learning and
teaching, data visualization, security and privacy, formal methods,
and programming language design. Leading researchers will engage with
attendees in their areas of expertise.
The curriculum will include lectures and interaction with faculty from
participating institutions.
The small, select group of attendees will be exposed to
state-of-the-art research in computer science, have the opportunity to
interact one-on-one with internationally leading scientists from three
of the foremost academic institutions in research and higher learning
in the US and in Europe, and network with like-minded students. They
will get a sense of what it is like to pursue an academic or
industrial research career in computer science and have a head start
when applying for graduate school.
For full consideration, applications should be received by February 7,
2019. Travel and accommodation will be covered for accepted students.
Text Analysis and Knowledge Engineering Lab (TakeLab) at FER, University of Zagreb, Croatia, invites applications for the position of a PhD researcher in Natural Language Processing. The research will be carried out within the R&D project "An integrated document management system for the legislation of the Republic of Croatia". The project aims at developing a platform for semantic analysis and search of legislative documents, targeted at both professional and layperson users. The specific technical and scientific challenges include semantic and faceted search, conversational search, multi-label document classification, and keyword extraction.
The PhD researcher would be involved in R&D activities on the project as well as teaching activities at the Department of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer and Intelligent Systems, at an approximate 60%-40% split, respectively. The researcher would be enrolled in the PhD programme at UNIZG FER, under the supervision of Prof. Jan Šnajder. The PhD tuition fee is covered by FER.
The tentative PhD topic is text-based conversational search (chatbot-enabled semantic search) for the legal domain. Research would revolve around deep reinforcement learning for dialogue generation in conversational agents, models for blending in domain-specific knowledge into the dialogue structure, and models for result-based dialogue management. Please note that this topic is tentative only; we will gladly consider candidate's own research topic proposals, as long as they fit into TakeLab's research agenda.
Candidates will have completed a MSc in Computer Science or Computational Linguistics. Demonstrable knowledge of machine learning is required. Experience with natural language processing is highly valuable. Good programming skills, proficiency in spoken and written English, as well as a keen interest in problem solving and research are essential.
Salary and contract duration:
This is a full-time, fixed-term position for three years, starting immediately (May 2018) or in September 2018 the latest. Salary is in accordance with the university regulations for academic personnel (monthly net salary of about 7,000 HRK). Additional funding for conference fees, summer schools, and travels is available.
Applications can be made by e-mail given at the above link and should include a short research statement, CV, copy of university degrees and transcripts, as well as list of publications and published software.
Please attach all documents as a single PDF.
All applications received before will receive full consideration. The position remains open until filled.
As an equal opportunities employer, TakeLab FER positively encourages applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity.
About TakeLab FER
TakeLab FER is a young and dynamic research team and the leading group for Natural Language Processing and Text Analytics in Croatia. The group pursues diverse research topics, ranging from information extraction and semantic search to computational semantics and opinion mining.
TU Wien, TU Graz, and JKU Linz are seeking exceptionally talented and motivated students for their joint doctoral program on Logical Methods in Computer Science (LogiCS). LogiCS has been established in 2014 and currently includes 44 students.
The program
LogiCS focuses on logic and its applications in computer science. Successful applicants will work on interdisciplinary research topics covering
computational logic,
databases and artificial intelligence,
computer-aided verification, and
emerging application domains, such as cyber-physical systems, distributed systems, and security & privacy.
Faculty members
Austria has a vibrant and highly active and successful logic in computer science community. Students are supervised by leading researchers in their fields:
We are looking for 16 doctoral students, where 30% of the positions are reserved for highly qualified female candidates. The doctoral positions are funded for a period of 4 years according to the funding scheme of the Austrian Science Fund (details). Additional positions will be available through other funding.
How to apply
Detailed information about the application process is available on the LogiCS web-page.
The applicants are expected to have completed an excellent master's degree in computer science, mathematics, or a related field. Candidates with comparable achievements (e.g., bachelor of honors) may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applications by the candidates need to be submitted electronically.
The positions will be filled on continuous basis till October 2018.
The evaluation of applications will start on 1st of March, 2018.
Studying and living in Austria
Austria has a vibrant and highly active and successful logic in computer science community. Vienna, Graz, and Linz, located close to the Alps, are surrounded by beautiful nature. Vienna is constantly ranked the city with the highest quality of life in the world. Austria has an exciting cultural scene, world-famous historical sites, a large international community, varied cuisine, and famous coffee houses.