Dubrovnik VII – Geometric Topology |
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The Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik, Croatia, is hosting the conference Dubrovnik VII – Geometric Topology to be held June 26 – July 3, 2011. We would like to invite you to participate in this conference. Dubrovnik Topology Conferences have a long tradition dating back 36 years, and the 2011 conference will have an emphasis in geometric topology and geometric group theory. The following invited speakers have confirmed their intention to attend:
S. Antonyan, G. Arzhantseva, M. R. Bridson, K. Bromberg, S. Buyalo, D. Calegari, P.-E. Caprace, R. Charney, M. Davis, J. Dydak, M. Feighn, S. Ferry, K. Fujiwara, R. Grigorchuk, M. Kapovich, K. Kawamura, D. Kolodziejczyk, U. Lang, M. Levine, G. Levitt, V. Marković, G. Matić, Y. Moriah, S. Melikhov, N. Monod, P. Nowak, B. Okun, A. Rigas, F. R. Ruiz del Portal, L. R. Rubin, M. Sageev, J. M. R. Sanjurjo, M. V. Sapir, V. Schroeder, Z. Sela, J. Souto, S. Štimac, J. van Mill, K. Vogtmann, S. Weinberger, T. Yagasaki, G. Yu, R. Živaljević.
Besides the invited talks, it will be possible for the participants to give shorter contributed talks.
We expect important new results to be reported and we hope for an atmosphere of lively exchange. Your participation would add much to this event. The journal TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS has agreed to publish the proceedings of this conference.
The city of Dubrovnik is a beautiful city with a thousand years of culture, naval and trade history. The Inter-University Centre will provide convenient facilities for our work together. Those who have attended past meetings there have pleasant memories of the surroundings as well as the stimulating intellectual exchange that took place. The weather in Dubrovnik is usually warm to hot in this time of the year.FEE.As for the previous conferences, except for the last one in 2007, we have arranged for a certain number of rooms at Hotel LERO. If you wish to book accommodation at the Hotel LERO, in addition to filling out the registration form, please complete also the accommodation form and email it to the Hotel LERO not later than May 15, 2011.
The conference rates are 78 EUR for a single room and 48 EUR per person in a double room. The prices include also the breakfast. Dinner can be added for 7 EUR, and lunch+dinner for 19 EUR.Other as well as private accommodation is also available. For more information contact e.g. GULLIVER Travel or make your individual arrangements.
We do not have finances to be able to cover your expenses. We hope that you will be able to arrange support from your university or other sources. There will be a 140 EUR registration fee for participants and a 70 EUR fee for accompanying persons, payable at the conference.REGISTRATION.
An on line registration form is available at: http://www.math.utah.edu/dubrovnik/registration.htmlSOCIAL EVENTS.
On Thursday, June 30, we plan a whole-day boat excursion to Elafiti islands, and on Friday night, July 1, we plan to host a conference dinner. All registered participants and accompanying persons are invited to the dinner, but for the excursion there will be a 60 EUR fee per person.ABSTRACTS.
Invited speakers, and participants intending to contribute a shorter talk, should submit their abstracts, which should not exceed 200 words, atVISAS.http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/submit/cbbx-01
Abstracts received by May 31, 2011, will be distributed in printed form to conference participants. The submitted abstracts can be viewed athttp://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/cbbx-01
Participants should check with the Croatian embassy or consulate whether they need an entry visa for Croatia, and if so, what documents are required—is a letter of invitation enough or is there something else needed.
In case you have any difficulties regarding your application and/or submitting your abstract, please contact Šime Ungar.
Mladen Bestvina University of Utah bestvina@math.utah.edu |
Alexander N. Dranishnikov University of Florida dranish@math.ufl.edu |
James E. Keesling University of Florida jek@math.ufl.edu |
Vlasta Matijević University of Split vlasta@pmfst.hr |
Šime Ungar University of Zagreb ungar@math.hr |