subscript-triplets specify sub-arrays. The general form is:
[< bound1 >]:[< bound2 >][:< stride >]
The section starts at < bound1 > and ends at or before < bound2 >. < stride > is the increment by which the locations are selected.
< bound1 >, < bound2 > and < stride > must all be scalar integer expressions. Thus
A(:) ! the whole array A(3:9) ! A(m) to A(n) in steps of 1 A(3:9:1) ! as above A(m:n) ! A(m) to A(n) A(m:n:k) ! A(m) to A(n) in steps of k A(8:3:-1) ! A(8) to A(3) in steps of -1 A(8:3) ! A(8) to A(3) step 1 => Zero size A(m:) ! from A(m) to default UPB A(:n) ! from default LWB to A(n) A(::2) ! from default LWB to UPB step 2 A(m:m) ! 1 element section A(m) ! scalar element - not a sectionare all valid sections.
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