Next: Drawbacks of FORTRAN 77
Up: Introduction to Fortran
Previous: Introduction to Fortran
- FORmula TRANslation.
- first compiler: 1957.
- first official standard 1972: `FORTRAN 66'.
- updated in 1980 to FORTRAN 77.
- updated further in 1991 to Fortran 90.
- next upgrade due in 1996 - remove obsolescent features, correct
mistakes and add limited basket of new facilities such as ELEMENTAL
and PURE user-defined procedures and the FORALL statement.
- Fortran is now an ISO/IEC and ANSI standard.
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Next: Drawbacks of FORTRAN 77
Up: Introduction to Fortran
Previous: Introduction to Fortran
©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 23:37:18 BST 1997Not for commercial use.