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Not all the specifiers can be used at the same time,
READ([UNIT=]< unit >, [FMT=]< format >, IOSTAT=
< int-variable >, ERR=< label >, END=< label >, &
EOR=< label >, ADVANCE=< advance-mode >, &
REC=< int-expr >, SIZE=< num-chars >) < output-list >
- < unit > is a number or *.
- < format > is a string or a FORMAT statement label.
- < int-variable > holds a return code, zero means no error.
- < label > is an executable statement label.
- < advance-mode > is 'YES' or `NO'.
- < num-chars > is the number of characters read.
- < int-expr > is a record number (for direct access).
For example
READ(14,FMT='(3(F10.7,1x))',REC=iexp) a,b,c
READ(*,'(A)',ADVANCE='NO',EOR=12,SIZE=nch) str
For more information, click here
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Previous: OPEN Statement
©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 23:37:18 BST 1997Not for commercial use.