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Consider the following example,

      PROGRAM Thingy
        CALL OutputFigures(NumberSet)
       SUBROUTINE OutputFigures(Numbers)
        REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: Numbers
         PRINT*, "Here are the figures", Numbers
       END SUBROUTINE OutputFigures
      END PROGRAM Thingy

Internal subroutines lie between CONTAINS and END PROGRAM statements and have the following syntax

 SUBROUTINE < procname >[ (< dummy args >) ]

< declaration of dummy args >

< declaration of local objects >


< executable stmts >

END [ SUBROUTINE [< procname > ] ]

Note that, in the example, the IMPLICIT NONE statement applies to the whole program including the SUBROUTINE.

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©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 23:37:18 BST 1997
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