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There are two intrinsics in this class:
- MINLOC(SOURCE[,MASK]) -- Location of a minimum value in an array
under an optional mask.
- MAXLOC(SOURCE [,MASK]) -- Location of a maximum value in an array
under an optional mask.
A 1D example,
A 2D example. If
- MINLOC(Array) is (/3,4/)
- MAXLOC(Array,Array.LE.7) is (/1,4/)
- MAXLOC(MAXLOC(Array,Array.LE.7)) is (/2/)
(array valued).
For more information, click here
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Previous: Maximum and Minimum Intrinsics
©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 23:37:18 BST 1997Not for commercial use.