Write a simple program to read in the radius and calculate the area of the corresponding circle and volume of the sphere. Demonstrate correctness by calculating the area and volume using radii of 2, 5, 10 and -1.
Area of a circle,
Volume of a sphere,
Hint 1: place the READ, the area calculation and the PRINT statement in a loop as follows. A program template (which is available by clicking here) is given below.
PROGRAM Area DO PRINT*, "Type in the radius, a negative value will terminate" READ*, radius IF (radius .LT. 0) EXIT ... area calculation PRINT*, "Area of circle with radius ",& radius, " is ", area PRINT*, "Volume of sphere with radius ",& radius, " is ", volume END DO END PROGRAM Area
In this way when a negative radius is supplied the program will terminate.
Hint 2: use the value 3.1459 for .