This is an example taken from the Fortran 90 standard, pp 296-298; the code has been modified to make it a main program instead of a subroutine.
The code is a 3-D Monte Carlo simulation of state transition. Each grid-point is a logical variable whose value can be interpreted as spin-up or spin-down. The transition between states is governed by a local probabilistic process where all points change state at the same time. Each spin either flips to the opposite state or not depending on the state of its six nearest neighbours. Gridpoints on the edge of the cube are defined by cubic periodicity -- in other words the grid is taken to be replicated in all dimensions in space.
The code (which is available by clicking here) given below will perform the desired transitions. Add HPF directives to allow the problem to be solved with minimal communications:
MODULE Funkt CONTAINS FUNCTION RAND (m) INTEGER m REAL, DIMENSION(m,m,m) :: RAND CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(HARVEST = RAND) RETURN END FUNCTION RAND END MODULE Funkt PROGRAM TRANSITION USE Funkt IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: n = 16 INTEGER :: iterations, i LOGICAL, DIMENSION(n,n,n) :: ising, flips INTEGER, DIMENSION(n,n,n) :: ones, count REAL, DIMENSION(n,n,n) :: threshold REAL, DIMENSION(6) :: p p = (/ 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 /) iterations = 10 ising = RAND(n) .LE. 0.5 DO i = 1,iterations ones = 0 WHERE (ising) ones = 1 count = CSHIFT(ones, -1, 1) + CSHIFT(ones, 1, 1) & + CSHIFT(ones, -1, 2) + CSHIFT(ones, 1, 2) & + CSHIFT(ones, -1, 3) + CSHIFT(ones, 1, 3) WHERE (.NOT.ising) count = 6 - count threshold = 1.0 WHERE (count == 4) threshold = p(4) WHERE (count == 5) threshold = p(5) WHERE (count == 6) threshold = p(6) flips = RAND(n) .LE. threshold WHERE (flips) ising = .NOT. ising ENDDO END PROGRAM TRANSITION
Note that CSHIFT is used in SOR problems and performs a circular shift on an array, for example, if
is A shifted one place to the left with the left-most number wrapping around to the right,
and is A shifted one place to the right
It is also possible to specify a dimension for 2D and upward arrays. If
shifts the array one position in dimension 1 (downwards)
and so on.