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Printing Arrays

The conceptual ordering of array elements is useful for defining the order in which array elements are output. If A is a 2D array then:

    PRINT*, A

would produce output in Array Element Order:

    A(1,1), A(2,1), A(3,1), ..., A(1,2), A(2,2), ...

Sections of arrays can also be output, for example,

    PRINT*, A(::2,::2)

would produce:

    A(1,1), A(3,1), A(5,1), ..., A(1,3), A(3,3), A(5,3), ...

An array of more than one dimension is not formatted neatly, if it is desired that the array be printed out row-by-row (or indeed column by column) then this must be programmed explicitly.

This order could be changed by using intrinsic functions such as RESHAPE, TRANSPOSE or CSHIFT.

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Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997
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