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Consider the declaration
REAL, DIMENSION(1:6,1:8) :: P
Figure 11: Visualisation of Array Sections
The sections:
- P(1:3,1:4) is a section; the missing stride
implies a value of 1,
- P(2:6:2,1:7:3), which could be written: P(2::2,:7:3))
is a section.
(A missing upper
bound (in the first dimension) means assume the upper bound as declared, (6),
A missing lower bound is the lower bound as declared, (1).)
- P(2:5,7) is a 1D array with 4 elements;
P(2:5,7:7) is a 2D array,
- P(1:6:2,1:8:2) is a section. This could also be
written as P(::2,::2), here both upper and lower
bounds are missing so the values are taken to be the bounds as declared,
- P(1:3,1:4) = P(1:6:2,1:8:2) is a valid assignment; both LHS
and RHS are sections.
- P(1:3,1:4) = 1.0 is a valid assignment; a scalar on the
RHS conforms to any array on the LHS of an assignment.
- P(2:6:2,1:7:3) = P(1:3,1:4) is not a valid assignment;
an attempt is made to equate a section with a section, the array sections do not
- P(2:6:2,1:7:3) = P(2:5,7) is not a valid assignment;
an attempt is made to equate a section with a 4 element 1D array.
It is important to recognise the difference between an n element 1D
array and a 2D array:
- P(2:5,7) is a 1D section -- the scalar in the second
dimension `collapses' the dimension.
- P(2:5,7:7) is a 2D section -- the second dimension is
specified with a section (a range) not a scalar so the resultant
sub-object is still two dimensional.
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