Sometimes it is necessary to jump out of more than the innermost DO loop. To allow this, loops can be given names and then the EXIT statement can be made to refer to a particular loop. An analogous situation also exists for CYCLE,
0| outa: DO 1| inna: DO 2| ... 3| IF (a.GT.b) EXIT outa ! jump to line 9 4| IF (a.EQ.b) CYCLE outa ! jump to line 0 5| IF (c.GT.d) EXIT inna ! jump to line 8 6| IF (c.EQ.a) CYCLE ! jump to line 1 7| END DO inna 8| END DO outa 9| ...
The (optional) name following the EXIT or CYCLE highlights which loop the statement refers to.
For example,
IF (a.EQ.b) CYCLE outa
causes a jump to the first DO loop named outa (line 0).
IF (c.GT.d) EXIT inna
jumps to line 9.
If the name is missing then the directive is applied, as usual, to the next outermost loop so
IF (c.EQ.a) CYCLEcauses control to jump to line 1.
The scope of a loop name is the same as that of any construct name.
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