Next: Language Obsolescence
Up: Fortran Evolution
Previous: New Fortran 90 Features
The introduction of the previously mentioned new features have had an
impact on the general standing of the language. Fortran 90 can be thought of
as being: more natural, more flexible, more expressive, more usable,
more portable and, above all, safer.
Even though FORTRAN 77 is a subset of Fortran 90 the user should steer away from
`unsafe' features of the new language. Many `dangerous' features have
been superseeded by new features of Fortran 90, for example,
- COMMON blocks -- use a module;
- EQUIVALENCE -- use TRANSFER; (using EQUIVALENCE also reduces
- reshaping of arrays across procedure boundaries (this used to be
possible when using assumed sized arrays) -- use the RESHAPE function
at the call site;
- retyping of arrays across procedure boundaries -- use TRANSFER;
- reliance on labels has been decreased;
- fixed form source -- use free form;
- IMPLICIT NONE statement introduced which, if preset, disallows
implicit typing of variables. (In FORTRAN 77 undeclared variables were
implicitly declared with the type being derived from the first letter
of the variable name -- this meant that wrongly spelled variable names
could pass
through a compiler with no warning messages issued at all. If the variable was
referenced then a totally random value (the incumbent value of the memory
location where the variable resides) would be used with potentially
disastrous consequences.
- internal procedures (procedures within procedures with local
scope) alleviate the need for the awkward ENTRY statements ans
statement functions.
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Up: Fortran Evolution
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©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997Not for commercial use.