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Previous: Data Distribution
In an HPF program we:
- define conceptual processor grids,
- distribute data onto processors,
- perform calculations,
The conceptual processor grids do not have to bear any relation to the
underlying physical processor configurations -- these are merely the
way in which the HPF program views the system.
Each of the executable mechanisms in the following list specify some form of
parallelism. The compiler will spot when constructs such as these are
being used and can the parallelise the code at this point:
- Fortran 90 contains array syntax and intrinsics to express parallelism
- FORALL is a generalised array assignment statement (and is in
Fortran 95)
- INDEPENDENT loops are DO loops which have the property that
order in which the iterations are executed is unimportant. This means
that they can all be executed at the same time.
- PURE procedures are `side-effect free' procedures. They can be
called in the body of FORALL and it is clear that one instance of a
PURE procedure will not interfere with another.
- EXTRINSIC s are procedures written in a different language (ie
- The HPF Library module and the new intrinsics are comparable to
the Fortran 90 intrinsics.
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©University of Liverpool, 1997
Wed May 28 20:20:27 BST 1997Not for commercial use.