A dummy argument that is an explicit-shape array must conform in size and shape to the associated actual argument; no bound information is passed to the procedure. Consider the following examples,
PROGRAM Main IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(8,8) :: A1 INTEGER, DIMENSION(64) :: A2 INTEGER, DIMENSION(16,32) :: A3 ... CALL subby(A1) ! OK CALL subby(A2) ! non conforming CALL subby(A3(::2,::4)) ! OK CALL subby(RESHAPE(A2,(/8,8/)) ! OK ... CONTAINS SUBROUTINE subby(explicit_shape) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(8,8) :: explicit_shape ... END SUBROUTINE subby END PROGRAM Main
The bottom line is subby can ``accept any argument as long as it is
an default INTEGER array''! This is clearly a very
inflexible approach which generally should not generally be used.
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